Chapter 16 Running for My Life

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(Samson's P. O. V)
The fire spread and it caught onto the forest like velcro and the heat that it gives off is like the sun in the desert beating on your back. As we are running the titans are attracted to the fire. So we are running and my lungs are choking on smoke the boss and his friends. Try to push me but I ran faster ahead till he slammed me into a tree and made it crash. It land on my leg I let out a scream of pain as my leg is cought by this 400 pound tree. He smirked and came over he bit my neck letting blood pore out attracting titans for blood. I started to dig down and then I finally got my leg out I was surrounded by fire Titans were ahead of me. So I had no choice I ran back inside of the forest where the fire was. Because the smoke was so huge and thick the titan couldn't see me I ran up and sliced it's nape killing it. The body fell to the floor and I inhaled a lot of smoke from up there my vision was dizzy as I choked on smoke. I fell and turn into my human form trying to find away out. When I see a clearing I ran to it my vision fading in and out as I jumped to get out of the fire. I hide in a bush and passed out from to much smoke I hear my name but I couldn't reply. I was consumed in darkness and I fell asleep shooting a flair up that was a red one saying Help.

(Levi's P. O. V)
The brat was a good kid he could hold his own I say trying to calm down Hanji.

Okay his wolf form is beautiful and I would never want to change a bit on him. Hanji said

We were running around the forest making sure that no titan was around and there was a few. But Samson was going into the woods to see if any were inside. He was a wolf so they wouldn't have any interest in him which made it easy for us. The plan was to meet half way and we should have seen him by now. But we heard a loud BOOM! Like a flair go off but none was seen then a yellow glow came from the forest and titans made their way into the fire. Erwin shot a meet back up flair and we all made it and everyone was checking in. But one person never showed and it made Hanji upset and Jean said something that made my blood boil.

Guess the mut died on his first expedition. He said

I slammed my knee into his gut and Hanji had a dead stair at him which made him cower in fear. Talk about my son like that and I'll snap your neck Horse shit. I said with venom in my voice.

Okay split into two teams and circle the forest don't go in it if he's in the forest no one goes after him. If he's in that forest we leave him because no one goes inside the forest where all the other titans are. I'm sorry Hanji and Levi I won't lose any men going in and coming out with one when we have lost none so far. Erwin said leaving with one group and Hanji, I lead the other team going the other way.

Samson! I yell then it's been 15 minuets and not one word or signal from him then I see a flair of red that was the help sign. I moved my horse over to a field I saw where the smoke left a bush I got down and found him passed out burnt and bleeding. I picked him up and shot a green flair saying I found him. Then a green flair was responded meaning go back to the wall so I hoped up and rode off. I had Samson behind me wrapped his arms on my waist till we found a wagon. Then I laid him there till we met up with the others and Hanji was so sad because of how Samson state was in. She rode beside them till we got to HQ then she rushed him to her office and layed him down. She started to clean the cuts and I grabbed a oxygen mask and put it on his face. She had to stitch up a few cuts that were too deep she wonder what animal attacked him. Then I saw something I completely missed there on. The back of his next was a bite mark that could of killed him who would do this?

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