Chapter 4 Heart Break

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(Erwin's P. O. V)
Time was getting closer so I decided that I will make an announcement to prepare them for a screaming and changed Hanji. I stood up and I see Hanji isn't here with Samson yet so I yelled. LISTEN UP TONIGHT THERE IS GOING TO BE A SCREAMING AND CRYING HANJI! SOMETHING HAS CAME UP AND IT'S TIME FOR HER TO LET SOMETHING PRESHIOUS GO! SO NO ONE MAKE FUN OF HER EVERYONE TRY TO HELP HER OUT AND I SWEAR IF I FIND OUT THAT SOMEONE CRUSHED HER I'LL RIP YOU OUT FROM THE INSIDES AND KILL YOU IN HELL! I yell the last part with venom in my voice. Then I turn and see Hanji walk in with Samson she didn't hear my conversation about her which was good.

Uncle Armin! Samson yelled in excitement running to him leaving Hanji's side.

Hey how are you doing. He said picking up Samson.

Great I saw grass and color today! He said excited

Everyone is looking at a small child that they weren't aware was here in the building. I walk up to Hanji and I see it's 7:50 then I say. Hanji you got 10 minutes then they'll come I'm sorry I tried to aim for one more year but they said no. I said in sadness because I helped raise this kid for three years and now it's his time to leave.

(Hanji's P. O. V)
I nodded and walked over and grabbed him from Armin and smiled at him hey did you get the cake done? I asked

Yes it's done and ready. He said

We sang happy birthday and gave him some presents then there was a knock at the front doors. Everyone was confused at this point I had tears going down my face I knew if I didn't give him up. I'll be put in jail for the rest of my life and I didn't want that.

Look at me baby there are people who are going to take you, all I need you to do is remember the song I sang. Then keep shep next to you and remember who gave you this okay. I say

What's going on I don't want to go please don't let me go! He yelled and started to cry.

Be brave my little worrior even though I'm not there physically I'll be there mentality. The doors open and two men held me and one grabbed Sam it was instinct to hold tighter. Then I see Erwin holding me back and I hear Sam crying wanting me. I reach out to grab his hand but was embraced in a hug holding my arms down by Armin.

UNCLE ARMIN, UNCLE ERWIN HELP M-. The door closed and all you could hear was the crying of a child.

N-noo! I dropped to my knees and cried I could hear the carriage going away and I got up and ran out the door. Erwin tried to stop me but I punched him away when I got out side I couldn't see which way they went it started to rain. So I walked back inside and Levi walked over to me and hugged me I cried louder and eventually fell asleep.

(Levi's P. O. V)
I haven't seen Hanji in a while and when I finally do she is hanging out with a child. I hear a knock at the door and Hanji starts whispering something then she says "be brave my little worrior" what is going on I was snapped out of my thoughts when men came in and separated Hanji from the boy. You could see she didn't want to let go and the kid yells for his uncles ARMIN AND ERWIN! What the hell is going on? Hanji falls to her knees I feel sad for her I've never seen her like this I feel something wet go down my cheek it's a tear but no one saw because they were watching this go down. Hanji hits Erwin and sends him flying I'm shock because she is usually weak. She runs out and everyone goes back to their room but I stayed and waited for her when she walked through the doors she was wet and cried hard into my shoulders then she fell asleep on me I picked her up and took her to her room I placed her down. I look over and see a crib? Was that child staying with Hanji all this time? Many questions ran though my head but I had to focus to see if she was alright first. Honestly I don't like Petra I thought I gotted her pregnant on that party day I guess I was wrong. Now she is supper annoying and I don't want to be by her I really would like to see her be beaten up by someone. I think I have feelings for Hanji though instead of Petra after seeing her cry like that I don't ever want to see her cry again. I sat in a chair in her room and closed my eyes soon enough I was completely out and slept in a chair.

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