More To Us Preview

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AN: Hi Everyone! Surprise! So I know I said I would have the first chapter of the actual book up by Thanksgiving but I felt like being nice and decided, starting from today I will post a new chapter every day until Friday. It picks up directly from where we left off at the end of the prologue so you'll finally get to know how the cliffhanger picks up. Hope you enjoy :)

- B

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POV Natasha

Shortly after a doctor came out. His face said it all.

He didn't need to say anything. The moment he walked out I saw the apologetic look in his eyes. But I still stood there hoping for the best.

"Are you Ms. Negovanlis?" The doctor approaches me first.

"Yes." I barely croak out an answer.

"Your son, he's in critical conditions and..."

Andrew's not dead. I can sense all the terrible things to come but he's not dead.

"... he's been under surgery for several hours and his small body couldn't take it."

My heart drops.

"We were able to stabilize him but he's fallen into a coma and is currently on life support."

There it was. Now I'm thinking death may be better than life support.

"So... um..." I'm stuttering and can't get any words out.

"So what does this mean for Andrew in the future?" I look up to see Jacob, Andrew's dad speak up on my behalf.

"Are you Andrew's father?" The doctor gives him a confused look.

"Yes. I don't live with Andrew and his mother but I did come as fast as I could."

"I see. Well, there are a few possibilities. People with injuries as extensive as Andrew's could stay in a coma for several weeks maybe even months. So in my professional opinion, I think we should watch over him for a few weeks in hopes that he does wake up. However, if he does wake up there could be defects in his brain from not functioning for a long time. You also have to take into consideration the possibility that he might not wake up and having to decide whether or not you will keep him on life support."

After what I feel like has been ages I look over to Elise. She's been quietly standing there holding my hand the whole time. She has a conflicting expression on her face as she probably has several different things going through her mind. First off, this accident itself has brought up tragic memories and she's trying to keep herself from going insane. Then there's the fact that she doesn't like Jacob very much. She's met him once before when he swung by to drop off some of Andrew's stuff. She didn't know him before we met but she finds his absence in Andrew's life unsettling. So the fact that Andrew is in critical condition and his MIA father is standing in the lobby is conflicting for her.

"Thank you, doctor..."

"Jones, Dr. Jones"

"Thank you." That's all I'm able to stammer out.

Dr. Jones shows us the way towards where Andrew has been transferred to and I don't realize I've been holding my breath until I let out a much-needed sigh at the sight of my son. First, Elise hurries over to Andrew's left-hand side. I follow suit to his right. Elise and I are preoccupied just looking over the visible injuries of Andrew, which aren't as bad, expected. But no matter how healthy he looked on the outside I knew my baby was dying on the inside. I finally look up to see Jacob awkwardly standing at the foot of the bed. 2 years since he's seen his son and 2 years he's never getting back and now he's standing here probably as concerned as I am. Absent or not I can allow Jacob to feel the pain of a parent.

"Um Natasha, I can stay here with him overnight so that you can get some rest." After some looming minutes, Jacob spoke up.

"No no no I've been gone for too long I need to be with him right now."

Jacob doesn't argue and leaves to grab the three of us coffee. After he leaves Elise finally says something.

"Why is he here? I mean yes, he's Andrew's father but what right does he think he has to just show up and stick around?" I can hear the aggravation in Elise's voice.

I let out a long sigh, "No one said anything about him staying. But he does have the right to know how his son is doing. Let's just get through these few days and we can deal with Jacob later."

AN: I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter of More To Us: Volume I. I know this one was a bit short and sadly the next few chapters will be about the same length. When I'm on a more regular schedule I will try to make each chapter a bit meatier but for now, you have this! There is a separate book under my profile for it so you should go add it to your bookshelf so you don't miss any more updates ;).

- B

Prologue: Blank Minds and Blinking LightsWhere stories live. Discover now