Part 4: Flashback

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Earlier that day

POV Elise

    I pack the last of the things into the trunk. I get into the car and drive to Andrew's preschool. As I pull up into the parking lot I see Amanda, Johnny's mom.

    "Hi, Amanda!"

    "Oh hey there Elise! How are things?" Amanda is a sweet middle-aged woman who always bakes cookies for the kids.

    "Things are good. Andrew and I are actually going to LA tonight to go see Natasha."

    "That sounds so much fun! Well, I hope you guys have a good time. Tell Natasha I said hi and that we should catch up sometime soon!" With her wide smile, Amanda walks away.

    I finally get Andrew and we hit the road to the airport. We're nearing the airport and then it comes out of nowhere. I try to swerve to prevent the truck from hitting us only to hit another car myself. After hitting the car on the left I see the truck still serving. It too is trying to stop but as it turns the back end of the truck hits Andrew's side of the car. If I wasn't panicking already I am now. I look behind me only to see Andrew unconscious and severely bleeding.

    "Andrew! Andrew, you have to wake up buddy!" I try to shake him awake well aware that it won't work.

    "No no no no this can't be happening!"

    The lights are blinding and I stand there stunned.

    Now I'm sitting in a hospital waiting room. I watch as my father paces around while running his hand through his hair.

    A doctor finally comes out but his face says it all.

    "Mr. Bauman we did everything we could but she was dying quickly. I am very sorry but she didn't make it."

    There's a thing about doctors. It's their job to save lives but once in awhile, they can't do their job. They probably have given this same speech to many other families. I wonder if they've become immune to the constant losses themselves.

    Now my father is sobbing. He's angry and hitting the wall. My mother was everything to him. She was everything to the both of us. And now she's gone just like that. Blink of an eye and no goodbyes.

    A police officer pulls me out of my trance.

    "Excuse me miss, we really need you to come with us. The boy is severely injured and we need to take him to the hospital now." The officer is gentle but there's an urgency in his voice.

    "Yeah... we should go..." I still can't believe this is happening.

    When reality finally hits I call Natasha.

    "Natasha you have to come back home now!" I was starting to panic.

There were blinking lights and sirens blaring all around me. Everything seemed to be happening all too fast around me and I didn't know what to do. There was nothing I could do. I felt helpless and lost. I was 10 again. I just stood there watching the paramedics tend Andrew's wounds to the best of their abilities. I felt someone guiding me to the ambulance and I walked submissively.

Prologue: Blank Minds and Blinking LightsWhere stories live. Discover now