Part 5: Broken Hearts

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POV Natasha

My plane lands and I take the next taxi straight to the hospital. I walk in and see Elise hopelessly and helplessly standing in the middle of the waiting room. I drop all my things and run towards her. She collapses into my arms.

     "Shhh, it's ok Elise. Everything will be ok." I gather up the little bit of sanity I have left to comfort Elise.

One late night on set Elise told me about what happened to her mother. I never could understand what it was like to lose a parent or watch a loved one in the hospital. I was never close with my parents. Hell, they didn't even come to the birth of their own grandchild. Now I'm equally as helpless. My whole world is currently wired up and in tubes while strangers are trying to restore his life.

Elise and I waited hours for Andrew's surgery to be over. The hours felt like days. Elise refused to eat thinking it was her fault. No amount of reassuring would get her to come to terms with the accident. At this point, I should be the one being strong for all three of us but I couldn't do it.

I haven't thought of Andrew's father in a while. He's sent in a simple gift card for Andrew's birthday but that was the extent of his presence in his life. However, maybe it was because of how helpless I felt at the moment but I called him up. He only lived a couple hours away so he got here before Andrew was out of surgery.

     "Natasha..." That voice I hadn't heard in over 2 years.

     Without even realizing I ran into his arms.

     Shortly after a doctor came out. His face said it all.

Prologue: Blank Minds and Blinking LightsWhere stories live. Discover now