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(I'm going to bring back the 'Otherside' for the purpose of this story)

"I guess it's time for a family reunion." Hayley sighed. She had feared this would happen one day. So she wasn't as surprised when it did happen.

"I'll contact the others and send Marcel after Elijah. It's been a while since we've seen Mystic Falls." Klaus said before hanging up.

Caroline, Alaric, and Eli just stared in shock.

"If you were thinking about stepping up the kids' training, now's about time," Hayley said. Alaric nodded and left the room to call a school assembly.

"Man, I learn I have long lost family members, learn my parents killer is free, and am going to meet the Originals all in a forty-eight-hour period. I need a nap." Eli sighed and rubbed his face.

"Tell me about it. And I'm friends with these people." Caroline said and shook her head as she walked out of the room.

Hayley looked to me. "I'm sorry. I'm not really making much of a good first impression." Hayley frowned.

"Hey. don't worry about that. We have more important things on our hands." Eli said giving her a sad smile. She nodded and got up.

"Hope, can you bring your uncle Eli to his room?" Hayley asked of her daughter, who had just been sitting there through all of this.

"Sure mommy." She smiled and took Eli's hand and led him out of the room.

She smiled at the sight. It was nice added one more to her very small family. Her world just got that much bigger and one more person to help protect Hope.

Eli was unpacking the rest of his things when he felt a cold chill go up his spine

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Eli was unpacking the rest of his things when he felt a cold chill go up his spine. He spun around. "Who's there?" He called out in his empty room.

He heard a voice fade into sound.

"You can hear me?" A scruffy young man said. He had to be in his young to mid-twenties.

"I can see you too. What do you want?" Eli asked him uncomfortably. This is the one part of his magic he hadn't gotten used to yet. Eli did not enjoy the random spirit visits he got. Especially when he was going to the bathroom or taking a shower. That gave him the chills just thinking about it. 

"Nothing. Someone to talk to I guess." He said sadly. he was obviously lonely and Eli felt bad for him. From what he learned, the Otherside was a lonely place. And this poor guy was only here because A, he died here or B, he's attached to someone who is here. And that's depressing. 

He sat on his bed crosslegged and motioned for him to sit down. The spirit smiled at him and sat down.

"So, what's your name?" Eli asked him.

"Jackson. What's your name?" He asked, satisfied with the simple conversation.

"Elochai, but just call me Eli. Where are you from?"

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