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"Hayley calm down. She probably picking flowers in the woods or something!" Alaric said.

"Don't tell me to calm down! She's my daughter. I have the right to be worried. She disappeared!"

Hope's class was on a walk through the Mystic Falls woods looking at wildlife and other things. When they returned to the school, Caroline noticed Hope was no longer with the group.

"She'll probably show up on the steps in five minutes Hayley." Alaric sighed.

"Why risk it?" Hayley spat.

Alaric rolled his eyes.

"I'm really sorry Hayley. I was trying my best to keep my eyes on all the kids." Caroline apologized.

"It'll be fine once we find her. Do any of your students know how to do a location spell?" Hayley asked.

"Well, there's a little girl named Ami who is a little too powerful sometimes-"


"I'll go get her," Alaric said and walked out of the room.

"She'll be fine Hayley, I promise."

"I know. I'm just paranoid all the time. Ever since The Hollow... I'm just scared, you know?"

"Of course. I know exactly how you feel. My girls; I'm scared someone is going to come for them again. But then I remember their powerful witches! And they have me and Alaric. And I know that if anything happens to them, whoever is responsible, we'll give 'em hell." Caroline smiled.

"You're right. Thanks, Caroline." Hayley smiled.

The door opened and in walked Alaric and a little girl, Hayley assumed was Ami.

"Hi, Ami. My names Hayley, my daughter's name is Hope. You might know her?"

The girl nodded.

Hayley smiled.

"Well, we can't find her and we need your help. She's all the family I have left." Hayley frowned.

The girl nodded and gave a small smile.

"I'll help you."

"Thank you."

"Alright Ami, come sit at the table."

Ami hopped up onto the chair next to Caroline.

"What I need you to do is say Salacku, tusdeh do. Alright?"


Alaric laid a map out on the table and poured a small amount of sand in the corner.

Caroline nodded at Ami.

"Salacku, tusdeh do. Salacku, tusdeh do. Salacku, tusdeh do..." The sand started to move across the map.

The sand stopped in a familiar place.

"The cemetery." Alaric and Caroline said in sync.

Hayley jumped up and was about to run out of the door when Caroline yelled.

"Hayley! Wait!"

Hayley turned around and looked at the table.

Ami was still saying the spell, a small amount of sweat and effort was showing on Ami's face.

"Ami, you can stop. We found her." Caroline said.

Ami shook her head.

The sand split into two piles; one at the cemetery and the other at the entrance of the school.

"What the..."

"I don't have time for this! I'm going to get Hope." Hayley ran out of the room, the only thing on her mind was Hope. Not the mysterious second pile of sand.

Ami stopped the spell and looked at Caroline.

"Did I do good?"

"You did great sweetie. Now, why don't you go and play?" Ami nodded and skipped out of the room.
Caroline and Alaric flashed to one another. They knew this was the start of something. And something was coming for Mystic Falls and all who resided there.

 And something was coming for Mystic Falls and all who resided there

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Elochai rang the buzzer at the entrance of the gate. No response. He'd been here for 15 minutes and no one had let him in.
He was about to leave when the gate opened.
He drove up the long driveway and parked in front of the huge house, or school.
Elochai climbed out of his car and grabbed his pack and slung it over his shoulder. He took a deep sigh and stood there for a moment.
As he was taking his first steps towards the door a little girl ran up to him.
"Hi. I'm Ami." The little girl smiled.
"Um Hi. I'm Elochai. But you can call me Eli."
"I know. I saw you coming. She's not here right now but she'll be back soon." She giggled then ran off.
Elochai's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He shook it off and walked up to the front door.
He knocked on the door three times, something he always seemed to do, and before he could take his hand off the door from the third knock, the door was opened by a tall blonde woman.
"Damn I swear the people here are gonna give me whiplash."
"Can I help you?" The blonde asked cautiously.
Elochai cleared his throat.
"Right, sorry. My names Elochai Marque. I'm a... witch from Maryland."
"Caroline relaxed a tiny bit, but she was still weary.
"What can we do for you?"
"My parents passed a few months ago. And in their will, I was instructed to come here, to the Salvatore School. I only found out about myself after their death. I know I'm probably a lot older than some of the other students here, but I know almost nothing about my own abilities and I was hoping that you'd have me?"
Caroline thought for a moment. This kid was telling the truth. If he wasn't, she could've heard it in his heart.
She opened the door all the way.
"Of course. I could never turn away someone who needed help, especially a witch."
"Let's walk." She took his bag.
"Jacob honey, would you mind bringing this young mans bag to the room next to mine?"
"Sure thing Caroline!" The boy around 14 smiled, then took the bag.
Caroline shut the door and started walking, Elochai followed.
"If you don't mind me asking, why does me being a witch make you want to help me?"
"One of my best friends was a witch. And in the beginning, she barely knew anything about herself and she struggled. Blocking out who you really are can destroy you. And I never want to see someone be destroyed for who they are."
"Oh. I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I'm glad you're here! Me and Alaric, the other co-founder, love new faces!"
Elochai nodded.
"I didn't mean to eavesdrop but do you go by Eli or Elochai?"
"Eli usually. Wait... How did you hear me from inside?"
"I'm a vampire. Super hearing." Caroline shrugged.
"Oh. Mr. D told me about vampires. Never met one before." Eli said.
"Not everyone here is a witch. There are all sorts of people here. I might be a teacher but I've learned a lot from the kids." Caroline smiled.
Just then, a woman walked up with a little girl holding her hand.
"Caroline, I found her! She-" The girls head snapped over to Eli and she super sped over and pushed him up against the wall he was standing next to.
"Who are you! Why do you smell like me?!"
Hope ran up to Hayley and tried to pull her off.
"Mom stop! He's family!"
Hayley looked to Hope in shock, as did Eli.
"What?" The three adults said.

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