Special chapter dedication

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Now,this chapter is dedicated to imMissJessy,the brilliant cover maker of the Arcanum.

I sat alone in the first row. But that was not unusual. People who knew me were usually spooked by my inane yet deep attempts at conversation. Take for instance, Chelsey Miller,an older student in our year.

She approached me kindly and forgiving but by the end of the home room lesson, ran out screaming bloody murder. I swear my remaining classmates surrounding me scooted back an inch. I felt apoplectic.

Could I help it if I saw what she saw desperately tried to hide from everyone? I mean,it didn't even cross my mind that she would not probably be a virgin anymore? And at it like rabbits with our Home Econs teacher?

So, no I couldn't have help it. My language barrier is not even helping me. My Japanese-Western mixed heritage sounds cool in context but not in reality.

There you have it;my pathetic social life.

I sighed loudly and slumped my head onto my school desk.

A beat later, I felt a tingling sense telling me that someone was watching me.

I cocked my head to the side,meeting the source of the stares.

"Hi there. My name's Jess! Can I sketch you?" Jess proffered a hand to shake.

Oddly enough,I'm not at all averred to her request. In fact, I welcomed the company.

"Sure,why not? My name's Karen.Let's do it!" I shrugged.

Hope you like it,imMissJessy!

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2014 ⏰

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