Chapter 3:Help

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"What should we do?" I asked worriedly. My fingers fidgeted with the card in my hand.

"Hell if I know! Dammit, I should have brought something more useful than this damn card!" Cam swore, flinging The Chariot card into a pile of snow.

Suddenly, the card hovered in the air and emitted a bright yellow color. Once again, there was a lingering attraction between me and the card. I reached out to The Chariot.

From watching Cam's reaction, I'm guessing he saw something different. Cam stood in the snow shell shocked , his face paled. His lips were turning bluish.

"Hey, hey, Cam what's going on?" I asked nervously.

I slapped his face lightly but no response. I peered in his eyes, but there was still light in them, only in a trancelike state.

His body trembled violently until I feared that he would faint and die of pheunomia. I rubbed his arms up and down but my cold hands generated little warmth. I cussed loudly.

"Ok, calm down Karen," I exhaled heavily. What do people usually do when they reach subzero temperature? Take off their clothes and transfer body heat? Do mouth to mouth rescucitation? Oh crap, that's for when people are drowning! I'm not helping myself. Pinching my cheeks lightly, I gave myself a mental head shake.

I have to help Cam or we're both done for.

Just in case, I popped open the top button of my blouse.

I then pried open his eyelids. His pupils had rolled up. I could just scream in frustration. I couldn't lose him, not now and ever. I couldn't lose anymore loved ones. My despair took the form of moist eyes and broken sobs.

"Somebody,help me!" I screamed. A gust of wind tousled my already unkempt hair.

"Poor Karen. If you needed help,you could have just summoned me instead of screaming like a flippin' bean sidhe," came a voice from my right.

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