cute moments

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Paul: it was way past midnight, you were staying the night at his house. For some odd reason you woke up in the middle of the night. You looked over at Paul, he was fast asleep with messy hair and no shirt. You grinned in awe of how cute he was. You took out your phone and took a picture of him, but your phone wasn't on silent so Paul heard the camera click. He woke confused on why you were awake. You told him you couldn't sleep. He then said "I'm thirsty, wanna get a drink?" You shook you're head yes, and you two quietly walked to the kitchen. It was dark in there, until Paul opened the fridge. The light from the fridge was so bright you could see your shadow. It was silent. To break the silence you started to hum a slow tune. Paul left the fridge open and walked over to you. He grabbed your hands and started to slow dance with you in the refrigerator light. You kept humming as you two swayed in the light. It was so romantic, you stopped humming and kissed Paul. He pulled away slowly and said "stay with me forever" in a low sleepy tone. He made your heart melt 💛

Danny: it was a hot and sunny morning and you had no plans. Danny called you asking you to come over. Whenever you two are together you go to the park near his house. So, you dressed in cool summer clothing because it was hot outside. When you got to Danny's house he whistled, causing you to laugh! "You look beautiful as always!" He said "thanks handsome" you said. While walking and talking about music, you got the idea to have a race to the park. Danny liked the idea and began to run. You yelled "HEY! I didn't say go!!" He turned back and said "IM WINNING!" You started to run as fast as you could. You began to catch up with him! But as soon as you reached the parking lot you tripped and fell. HARD. You tried to tough it out but it hurt! You started cry as Danny worried about your knee. He picked you up and walked back to his house. You sat down and he wiped your tears and kissed your leg. Then he got you a pink band aid. It made you smile knowing how much he cared for you. "It's ok y/n, do you want to stay inside and watch netflix while eating Nutella?" He asked. "That sounds perfect!" You smiled. 😊


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