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"Schedules?" The women at the desk asked, without glancing away from her computer.

"Yup. For Evangeline Winters and Isabel Adams."

"Okay, one sec."

Izzy turned away from the women and faced Evangeline, wiggling her eyebrows. "So, I heard there's a new guy in our grade."


"I bet he's hot."

Evangeline resisted the urge to face palm herself and rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Izzy?"

"Yup. You want to go stalk him?"

Evangeline was speechless for a moment. "Oh. My. God. Remind me why I'm your friend again?"

Izzy burst into laughter. "Kidding! I'm just kidding! I just wanted to see your reaction. It was totally worth it."

Evangeline let out a sigh and snatched up the schedules the women put on the desk, handing one to Izzy. "Come on, let's go. We don't want to be late on the first day of school. We can check with our friends during lunch."

Turns out, they had first period together, so they rushed out of the office to class. However, before they left, something, or rather someone caught her eye. For reasons unknown, her heart thudded in her chest. She only caught a glimpse of the boy, talking to an administrator through the open door of another room down the hallway, before she was pulled out of the room, though it was enough to make her shiver. What was that?


"Students, there is a newcomer to our school. I hope you will all treat him nicely and with respect. If some of you could please show him around the school, I will be very grateful."

A new voice spoke up, but Evangeline kept her eyes trained on her paper. "Hey everyone, I'm Parker Everett, and I look forward to getting to know you guys."

By the sound of people, especially girls, muttering excitedly, she assumed he was handsome, or extremely ugly, which she highly doubted. Evangeline let out a low snort, causing some gazes to swivel to her, but she ignored them.

"Alright, Parker, since you weren't here the first half of this period, why don't you sit..." Evangeline crossed her fingers under the desk, hoping that this new kid wouldn't sit near her. He made her heartbeat increase and her breath come in short inhales. She had no idea why, and she didn't want to know why, no matter how curious she was. Her instincts told her that everything will change if she knew. But of course, luck was nearly never on her side, and she tuned in just in time to hear the teacher say, "that empty chair next to Evangeline. Evangeline raise your hand for a moment please."

She suppressed her sudden urge to murder the women and raised her hand obediently for a second, then letting it drop, her head still facing the desk. She could feel the gazes of everyone burning into her skull, and she gritted her teeth. When she heard Izzy chuckle from next to her, she shot Izzy a glare, which Izzy proceeded to pretend not to notice.

Even as Parker's footsteps came closer then steps next to her, and she heard the slight screech of a chair being moved, she kept her focus on her desk, resisting the urge to glance at him. She wanted to look at him so much, but something battled against the pull to him, telling her not to acknowledge him. She could feel him watching her, and closed her eyes, trying to pretend that he wasn't there.

"Hey, I wonder if the trio got caught for their prank yet. But then again, they almost never do." Izzy commented, trying to get Evangeline to talk.

Evangeline merely shrugged, glancing to the right of her at Izzy before facing the front, looking at the teacher writing some rules and expectations on the board, and what she will be teaching this year. As if anyone cared. Nothing, no information registered, nor any knowledge gained, and Evangeline just stared off into space. She lowered her head slightly so that her hair formed a curtain, as if it would shield her from Parker's scrutinizing gaze.

The period couldn't end fast enough.

Evangeline shot out of her seat at the sound of the bell and was the first to leave the classroom. She didn't acknowledge when a confused Izzy stumbled after her, calling her name.

Evangeline did not slow down until she had to, her energy suddenly down the drain, and she leaned against the lockers, trying to slow her racing heart. Then she waited for Izzy to catch up to her.

When Evangeline heard footsteps, and someone calling her name, it was not Izzy as she had expected, but rather, him. Judging by his voice, he wasn't very far from her.

"Eva, please look at me."

How does he know my name? Evangeline took a deep breath, nonetheless, at his breathless, almost desperate tone, and slowly turned around to look at him.

Evangeline felt a sharp pain in her chest when she realized that he seemed so familiar, almost recognizable but just out of mind's reach.

His expression was soft and slightly sad when he whispered, "Hey, Lightning."

Evangeline gasped when a wave of memories came crashing down on her, and she was pulled back into the past. In a different place, and different time, but it was still them. And just them.

A younger version of Evangeline looked up to see a younger Parker coming towards her, a mischievous smile on his face. She eyed him warily.

"Sup, Evie!"

She gave him a flat look, which made him grin.


Then, she pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes at him, crossing her arms. He chuckled, and raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Alright, alright. What a best friend you are... Hey Lightning."

Suddenly, Evangeline grinned and stepping closer, they did their handshake-high five-hug routine. When they pulled away, she laughed. "Hey, Hunter."

He grinned back, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Ready for a mission, bro?"

She smirked, reaching up to mess up his hair. "I was born ready."

Evangeline snapped back to the present, her breathing shallow as she stared at Parker, or rather, Hunter, as she had called him, even though she wasn't sure why. Everything seemed to be more confusing then before. "Hunter." She managed to gasp out, before her legs gave out, and her vision darkened.


Brenton Thwaites as Parker Everett

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