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"Eva, honey? It's time to wake up! You're going to be late for school." Evangeline's guardian called from downstairs.

Evangeline peeled open her eyes, sitting up groggily. She was covered in cold sweat, and her heart was still beating furiously against her ribcage from a nightmare she vaguely remembered. Taking a few moments to breathe deeply, she let the gentle breeze from her open window envelope her and clear her mind.

Suddenly it struck her. Today was the first day of school, and she was going to be a junior in high school.

"Ugh... Okay! I'm up. Thanks." 

"You're welcome honey! You better hurry up." 

Evangeline ran into the bathroom, taking a shower and brushing her teeth in record time. Then she went back into her room, throwing on some random casual clothes she grabbed from her large closet. She put a black hair tie on her wrist just in case she needed to put up her hair later in the day.

Finally looking at herself in the dresser mirror, she tilted her head at her reflection and ran her hand through her hair. Her eyes were unique. They constantly changed color, turning from electric blue to stormy gray to aquamarine mixed with green. Her soft, silky hair was long and slightly wavy, tumbling down her shoulders and to her waist.

She shoved her feet into a pair of worn down and dirty mint converses, not bothering to untie the shoelaces, and grabbed her blue rose patterned rucksack backpack, taking the stairs two steps at a time.

Lara was sitting at the table, checking her tablet. She glanced up when Evangeline barged into the kitchen, smiling warmly at her. "Good morning, Eva."

She could still remember the day Lara stepped up to be her legal guardian about a year ago. Evangeline was found stumbling through a nearby city, battered and bloody, past midnight in the pouring rain. The police questioned her, but she couldn't remember anything, and often muttered incoherent words to herself. They labeled her as having post-traumatic amnesia, but didn't know anything else about her besides her name. Before Evangeline could be put into foster care, Lara appeared and agreed to take her in and become her legal guardian. And that was that.

Evangeline's first year of school as a sophomore was the worst. She found her close knit group of friends fast enough, but she was always bothered by her other classmates. They all knew she was under the care of Lara Lunaire, because it was even on the news, and they tried to talk to her to gain popularity. Evangeline pushed all of the people that only cared about climbing the social ladder away. Sometimes harsher than she should, taking up a reputation of the girl with mood swings. Many people also thought she was strange, because sometimes she would space off, her eyes glazing over, and when someone sneaked up on her, she would instinctively defend herself and send them to the ground. 

"Morning Lara." Evangeline smiled back, grabbing cereal and milk, which made Lara chuckle. "Tomorrow I can make breakfast if you'd like."

"It's alright, really. I don't want you to be late for work, I know you're really busy." 

Lara laughed, shaking her head. "It's not like they can do anything about me being 'late'. I'm the boss, after all. Besides, it's always a nice feeling to be able to cook for someone, you know? And I don't want to be like those mothers that never do anything themselves for their children."

Evangeline laughed as well, her heart swelling with happiness when Lara called her her child. "I'm beginning to think you're abusing the position as boss. And you're the best mother anyone can ask for."

"They love me!" Lara reached across the table to ruffle Evangeline's hair, grinning like a child, then her expression became sincere. "Thank you, dear, it means a lot to hear that from you. I want you to feel properly cared for and comfortable. Know that you are one of us, and you are loved." There was a deeper meaning under her comment. Evangeline's past was still a mystery, and she remembered nothing of her parents, besides the ominous feeling that they were already gone from this Earth.

She smiled sadly down at her bowl. "Of course." 

Lara nodded happily and glanced at the time. "Oh gosh! You're going to be late picking up your friend."

Evangeline gasped in surprise, glancing at the time as well, which confirmed that she was already late. Oh well, Izzy would understand, that's what best friends do isn't it? 

Evangeline hurriedly threw her finished bowl of cereal into the sink. "See you later, Lara!" She ran into the garage just as she heard Lara wish her a good day of school. She scoffed as she opened the large garage door. As if. She didn't even know why she went to school, after all, she never learned anything new.

She drove her Tesla out of the house. Well, it could hardly pass as a house, more like a mansion. And the thing was, she hated it.

Blasting Ellie Goulding, Evangeline sang along shamelessly to Halcyon. Even if people heard, her voice was often complimented, not to be egotistical, but she was a good singer, so she wasn't worried about bothering others that much.

As Evangeline drove towards her friend's house to pick her up, her phone buzzed on the passenger seat. She glanced down and smiled to herself.

Well, well, well, look who's late ;) - Izzy

Evangeline didn't respond, knowing her friend wouldn't want her to text while driving, as well as knowing herself that that would be a stupid thing to do even if she was positive she could handle such easy multitasking. 

Finally pulling into her friend's driveway, Evangeline beeped once, and texted her back.

I'm waiting, better come out or I'm leaving :P - Eva

Evangeline grinned when she heard Izzy's laugh from inside. Izzy flung open the main door of her large house, slamming it behind her and jogged towards Evangeline's car, her black bangles jangling on her wrist. She was also wearing a sweater. Where they lived, it was pretty cold more often than not, even in summer, because of the ocean a while away, and the breeze that carries through the city.

Izzy sat in the passenger seat and gave Evangeline a hug. "Hey girl, looking good!" Evangeline pulled away to grin back. "Nice to see you too, Izzy! More than a day without hanging out with you is too long." They shared a laugh before Evangeline drove them to school.

Evangeline took a deep breath as she sat in her car, which was parked in the school's parking lot. Hopefully this school year is going to be better... Izzy grinned and patted her head like a dog.

"Ready for another year of high school, aka the prison of torture?" 


Barbara Palvin as Evangeline to the side.

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