chapter 5: life and death of the vanishing

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It's all black, faint screams of help is heard, it keeps growing louder and louder. I started to listen to my name in those cry of help "Axel Axel Axel Axel." dim light turned on, and I see jasmine on the ground filled with bruises, cuts, and her hair was stuck to her face from blood from a gash on her forehead. She looked at me with dead eyes and pleaded ""

I woke up in cold sweat and tears in my eyes. I looked down, and jasmine was staring at me with worrisome eyes. "baby, what was the dream? Was it a death messenger?" Jasmine said, scared/concerned. When I looked at Jasmine, for a moment, I saw her the same way I saw her in my dreams. I shook my head to get the image out of my head and forced a smile "it was an unnecessary nightmare, don't worry." Jasmine looks at me worried. "ok, if you say so...." she got up and knocked on the other room at our three guests. "everyone up and out of bed, we got a lot of things planned today." they all moaned, and Megan was the first to open the door, pink hair was a mess and she was wearing white sport shorts and a blue with a yellow striped tank top. She rubbed her eyes, yawned and asked "what time is it? And where do we go to meet up?" I walked up behind Jasmine wearing a black shirt, navy blue jean shorts with a chain hanging from the side and blood red sneakers. I tossed her an oversized jacket, which hit her head. Jasmine looked at me and stuck out her tongue, I chuckled and walked out of the room "get dressed everyone and meet in the cafeteria for breakfast then to classes." putting on dark blue jean shorts, with purple sneakers and a white camo dry-fit shirt.

as soon as I arrive at the cafeteria, I saw a kid flying to the window and hit the ground hard, he appeared to be dazed. "wow, what happened to him??" asked a high cute voice from behind me, I turned around and saw Ruby there wearing a red hoodie and her head tilted to the side. Before I could answer someone from inside yelled: "If you're going to take my food, then be less discrete about it." I walked into the cafeteria, and there stood an overly fed guy dressed as a butcher, there were blood stains on his apron, and there was a butcher's knife hanging on his belt. He looked at me and ruby and laughed hardily, "well well, lookie here. It's death jr himself, and finally, the master is feeding you." the butcher, gluttony, said. Ruby peeked from behind me, gluttony chuckled and went back into the kitchen and grabbed a handful of pp&j sandwiches and started gobbling it down. Ruby then squeaked "I'm assuming that was gluttony, right?" I nodded, suddenly, the cafeteria doors opened, and jasmine followed by Megan and ash. They came up to me, "get ready, it's about time." Jasmine said. Ruby looked at me then at jasmine with a confused face, "time? Time for what?" "that's what I said" Megan piped up. A gong from overhead sounded, and we felt slight trembling from the ground, Jasmine pulled ash and Megan into the ground, and I yanked ruby into the shadows with me. The first to appear is Hajime, buck naked, then a stampede of super-powered children follow suit. They all surrounded the table, and the kid from earlier was there is drowning in the sea of bodies. As soon as everyone finished pushing and shoving and almost killing each over breakfast both me and Jasmine stepped out of our cover. "oh, so that what you mean"ash said, as she let go of Jasmine. Ruby was still clinging to me and looked around "is it safe enough for us to eat??" I chuckle and nodes, "yeah ruby, it's safe enough. You guys better eat up, after breakfast the tough training begins." We finally got our breakfast and sat down near the back of the cafeteria. The place was huge, and you could probably fit seven football fields in here. there different sections to better suit the campers need; one part was grass, molten rocks, desert, and Arial (got to be careful with falling foods, sharp/blunt objects and on occasion bird shit). After Megan finished eating her pancakes and eggs she looked around then at Jasmine and me "is it always like this? A battlefield to get breakfast?" Chuckling at her question "you think this is bad? Wait till you see the duals between campers." Jasmine nods in agreement, Megan looks baffled and concerned "isn't that dangerous? What if someone gets hurt?!?" Ruby swallowed her chocolate chip waffles and answered "isn't that the point? To put us in real life scenarios and see what we can do?" Megan looks at her weirdly and tapped my nose with my left hand and pointed with my right "ding ding, that's correct. that's the best way to get used to your powers and draw them to their full potential in a life or death situation, of course there are other methods to draw it out." finishes my plate of sausages, eggs, and blueberry waffles I walked over to where the conveyor belt was and put my dirty dish in there. "Alright you little shits, breakfast is over report to your classes, or you'll end up as a bloody ass pulp against the wall." a voice boomed, I looked over, and I saw Mikey, aka wrath, one of the deadly sins standing near the entrance. he was a big guy standing over 7 foot 6 inches tall, wearing a green tank top with a red chest plate and shoulder armor, military pants, black combat boots, and his oversized Warhammer strapped to his back. Megan looked at Mikey quite shockingly, "he possibly can't be a teacher, he's threatening the students." most of the students rushed and/or flew out of the cafeteria going to their respected classes. "well its good for the kiddies to get their shit together" I said, as jasmine escorted the girls to my classroom. "and Hajime put on some damn fucking clothes on, no one wants to see that dick swinging around." he walked off flipping me off, as jasmine shook her head "screw him, the gang is already in class lets hurry."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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