chapter 3: the best day ever, now i got wash my pants

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Getting to school was fast thanks to my Tran-sonic bike, but something was off with the speed of it. It was going 8% slower than its intent speed; I got to talk to Lily about this I thought to myself. martin and I got to school with 9 minutes left to spare, Martin stepped off the bike and took his helmet and fixed his black/green hair, "you know what axel, every time I'm on that motherfucking bike it feels like I'm about dying from a freaking heart attack, or even worse a car accident" he complained. I took my helmet off, looked at him funny and said: "you have part of deaths powers in you, you can't die that quickly." "Yeah, I know, but still that doesn't mean I can't die from common human deaths," Martin said, "and like you said I only have half of his powers." I scoffed at him of his ridiculousness, but he's right. martin is a hybrid of the god of death and a nature dryad, and unlike our little sister who gets our powers from each of our parents and me, I got Thanatos powers of death and darkness despite my good and sociable nature, and Piper got our mothers powers of controlling plants, he gets both of their powers and knows how to use them almost perfectly. I got off my bike and put it on its stand; then I heard a lively and cheerful voice saying "hey chief, good morning." I turned around and all of a sudden someone came rushing at me tackling/hugging me. Luckily for me, since I'm built like a bodybuilder, the force didn't knock me down. I looked down and saw headful of long grayish white hair and fox ears poking on top of it. I placed my hand on her head, smiled and said "hey lily, how's it going." the 15-year-old fox girl looked up at me and with her bright green eyes, and a huge grin on her petite face, and she said with enthusiasm "I'm doing good, also how'd you like the speed on your motorcycle, I spend all night trying to make it go supersonic." when she said this I noticed the bags under her eyes and realized that she did work all night on trying to make black betty go faster. Lily here is a mechanics fanatic; she helped me with nearly every technological project that has popped up, like Martin's dirt bike, my motorcycle, and especially my bionic arms. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have completed either of them and find the formula of matching the speed of sound on both myself and my bike. She has been so helpful to my family and me over the past four years that I met her, that I decide not to say that she fucked up on the bikes speed. "You made it a little bit faster, not supersonic speed, but it's there" I lied. This lie made her happy and hugged me tighter, shit I thought now I feel guilty. Martin looked at us and scoffed then he looked over at the entrance of the school and fear and anger took over his face, at first I was confused but when I looked at the direction he was looking at I understood why, the schools biggest cum dumpster and drama queen, Carla grace accompanied with her posy was walking towards us. she's known for blackmailing, sleeping with students and faculty to get what she wants, and causing trouble to people around school, especially to my girlfriend. Also, her father owns under groove high school, (the school I'm in), along with other big-name companies so she can get away with nearly everything. she looked at me with a smug expression on her face, then changed her expression to fake disappointed one and said "tsk, tsk axel I'm disappointed in you, here you are hugging that little bitch of a mechanic, and while have a fucking slut as a girlfriend." lily lets go of me, her hair starts to stand up a bit, and begins to growl. I understood why Lily's pissed off; I'm trying to hold down my anger and urge to not move her up deaths fucking list since week 2 of my freshmen year last year. Carla spread nasty rumors saying that my girlfriend uses sport enhancing drugs and that she uses her body to seduce the judges to become the national champion in track and tennis. "Who do you think you're growling you littlie techno bitch," Carla said pissed, "my dad owns this fucking school I could easily have you expelled for this disgrace." lily lost it and began to pounce on her. With my inhuman speed, I quickly stepped in front of Lily and grabbed her in a bear-hug. I turned around, forced a smile and said "sorry about that Carla; you know how cranky most people get when they don't get enough sleep." Carla let out a sigh and crossed her arms and said "you're lucky that today I'm in a good mood, so I'll let this one pass." she then tossed her long blonde hair back winked at me and began to walkway when she then added "Oh, and Axel I hope you didn't have any plans for today, because both of us are going to have fun tonight." she then walked away with her group following behind her. As she left, I stopped smiling and let out a sigh. "Umm Axel, can you please let me go?" lily muffled. I looked down and realized that I was bear hugging her. "Sorry Lily, my bad," I said as I let her go. She stumbled back and waved at me saying that she was all right. Martin then walked up to me and asked with concern "what did Carla mean when she said both of you are gonna have 'fun' tonight?" I shook my head back and forth and replied: "I don't know, and if I think about it too much I might get a migraine." I looked at the giant clock that's attached to the gate of the school and saw that we wasted 3 minutes. "Let's go, guys, we spent unnecessary time with this bullshit," I said as I head towards the schools' door. "Oh, Lily your fox ears are showing," Martin said, following close behind me. Lily let out a cute gasp and then combed her fox ears into her hair until you can't see them anymore and then followed us into school.

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