Heart To Heart

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Heart To Heart

My mother pulled up to this house that looked abandoned. "Now you're going to respect this man and not be disrespectful. He's still your father, and he deserves your respect." My mother gave me a pep talk before she got on her phone and dialed a number. "Yes, mama." I don't know if she wanted me to answer that question or not. I just explained it anyways. My mother is such a strong woman; she earned all my praise. My mother raised me as a single mother, and she did a damn good job at it. I couldn't remember too many things she told me that was wrong. Except, that fight back when I was 12. Billy Johnson, she said to me I could earn his respect if I stood up to him. So, I did, and he knocked me out. I don't think I deserved much respect after that. Good thing he got expelled, I would've got bullied for the rest of my life.

"I'm outside with your son. Yeah! Okay, tell me when you're done so I could come get him." My mother hung up the phone and looked at me. Simultaneously, a guy that resembles me; came outside the house and walked up to the car. I open the door before he made it to the car so that I could greet him. I reached my hand out, "Hi, my name is..." My dad grabbed my hand and hugged me. "Boy, I know your name. You named after me." My dad said to me, as his hug got tighter.

"Remember what I said Michael, Big Mike, call me please." My mother yelled out the car before she drove off. Big Mike released me from his grips, and I adjusted my clothes as if he messed them up. "Follow me, son." Big Mike said; he started to walk to this area with a round table and a few chairs, which sat under a huge tree.

We both sat down; he looked at me and asked a question, "Your mother told me about your drinking and driving issue." I looked at him with the most displeasing face. I know this jailbird man isn't trying to give me advice about anything in life. "Yeah, it was only a couple of blocks away. Plus, there isn't any police around where we live." I started to say; I wasn't prepared to hear the same conversation from this guy. He didn't have anything to tell me about anything. "Trust me; you don't want to drink and drive. It's dangerous, plus you don't want to go to jail. Jail isn't a place for no man." I looked at him with the face: beyond the scared straight face. I remembered that my mother told me to respect this man, so I didn't say what I was thinking. Besides, he wasn't in jail for half his life, only 1/3 of his life. That was saying a lot, this man was a straight arrow for the other 2/3's of his life. I looked at him and just shook my head yes.

"I heard you got your associate degree, that's a great accomplishment." Big Mike started to mention; I raised my chin high. I love when people congratulate me on some of my accomplishments. "Yes, it's just a stepping stone; I'm going for the big prize." I expressed; as I dusted off the fictionists chip, I had on my shoulder. My phone suddenly started to vibrant; without checking, I already knew who it was. I slipped my hand into my pocket, as I maintained eye contact with Big Mike.

"So what's your grade point average?" Big Mike asked; he seemed very curious, I knew this because he slid to the edge of his seat. I'm guessing, so he can ensure he heard the right response. I looked at him with the most confidence and said, "oh it's a 3.3 GPA." I grabbed my phone and pressed the home button so it can show the text message. Of course, it was July texting me.


So, are we having lunch today? Or are we playing the texting game?

I instantly smiled at my phone. "So do you find a 3.3 GPA amusing? I don't see why you don't have a 4.0 GPA. I mean; you should be striving for greatness!" Big Mike seemed very disturbed about me only having a 3.3 GPA. I was going to text July back, but I lost all train of thought. I was fiercest and in the same breath; I felt very disrespected. "What do you know about a 4.0 GPA? You work at the convenient local store. You don't know how it is to be in your book 13 hours out of the day. I make more money than you, and you're a grown man." Big Mike didn't say anything; he just looked at me and shook his head. I can handle if anyone has an outburst but when they're silent. That always throws me off. "You don't know what I've been through little Mike." Big Mike started to explain. "I think I already know; you want to see if a little boy can make it without his father huh." I started again; at this point, I knew my mother would have been pissed at me for saying all this to Big Mike. Seriously, at this point, I would bite the bullet proudly. Big Mike stood there with a face that was indescribable. It seems to be a mixture of pure antipathy and clemency.

I got up from the bench; "Well, I have a date; it's been a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Mike. I hope never to see you again, have a nice life." I walked away from the bench and immediately Google a taxi so that they could pick me up.

Thank you for taking our time out of your day to read my story. Please, can you comment and vote if you like this content. I have more parts coming very soon. I appreciate your time!

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