A Dose O Confusion!

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Thank you for taking our time out of your day to read my story. Please, can you comment and vote if you like this content. I have more parts coming very soon. I appreciate your time!

The dust clouds still covered the morning sky. Ironically, I'm wide-awake with a headache that could kill a small deer or lion. I rapidly pat the area around me in hopes to find my cell phone. I found my phone it was under the pillow. The text messages that flooded my home screen quickly distracted me.

Kelly: Good morning


Yo, I think you're officially crazy, and we're not best friends anymore. But I did have an exciting night. Umma tells you when she leaves.


Wake up punk, good morning. Am I the only one that feels like an elephant is sitting on my head?

I quickly replied to July text:

Yeah, it feels like Monique back when she was on The Parkers is sitting on my head. Wait, that nasty as hell lol, scratch that lol Good Morning


I looked at the time; it was 0645 in the morning. Dang, why did I come home? What I forgot today is Sunday and Mom Dukes love to clean stuff that's already clean. I don't know if it's only my mother, but it seems like my mother knows everything. Something so diminutive like, instead I'm awake or not.

"Michael!" My mother shouted, and I didn't say anything else. I waited a few seconds to see if she would give up the attempt of waking me up. I don't know what I was thinking, of course not. I don't even know why she gives me an option yet to answer back. Everything my mother says is rhetorical.

"Get up and go get me some milk, sugar and some bleach. HELLO, get ya ass up now!" My mother seemed to get closer to my door with every word she screamed out. I started to get out of my bed, but that's when she burst through my door like juggernaut or the Kool-Aid man. "Get up; I need you to go to the store and get me some stuff. You hear me? Hurry up and come downstairs." My Mama said and then she slammed the door; you see what I mean about rhetorical? I threw the covers

off to the side of the bed, and I kicked around in search for my bedroom shoes. I slipped into them and walked to my closet as a half awaken zombie.

I jumped down the last two stairs and walked to the kitchen to see what my mother needed from the store. "Aye, do you pay the bill here? Don't run in my damn house." My Mama said; she heard the ground when I landed. I was going to say tell her I paid the cable bill last week but that was another rhetorical question. Instead, I ask, "Mama what you need from the store?" My Mama looked at me and said, "Okay boo, I need some bleach, sugar, and milk. Boo make sure you get the brands I like. Hurry up; I want to have breakfast ready before the sunrise." I smiled at her and walked towards the front door. I reached into my pocket and realized I didn't have my keys. That's when it hit me; I left it at the house party. My mother is going to have a heart attack. I already know what's going to come next. I put my head down and went to spill the bad news to my mother.

I walked to the hallway that leads to the kitchen and there my mother was standing with her arms crossed. "So, where is your car, Michael?" My mother asked. My mother had a face of anger and disappointment. "How you know Mama I don't have my car?" I asked because I was curious how she knew. My mother looked at me like I asked her what's her first name. "Don't you know I gave birth to you, I know everything. Plus, if your car were here you wouldn't be here now. You would've been going to the store. Another thing, it's simple logic, your car isn't in the driveway." My mother explained. I don't like asking my mother question sometimes. I could never get a simple yes or no answer. It's funny, but I can't laugh now, I don't know if she's in the laughing mood right now. "I was with Kevin last night drinking at this party, and I was going to drive home...." My mother cut me off. "You was going to do what? What I tell you about drinking and driving?" My mother was fiercest. I hadn't seen her this mad since I stole that cookie out the cookie jar and lied about it when I was 8. I stood there and

looked at her; I didn't want to tempt her anymore. "Answer me when I'm talking to you!" My mother demanded me. I blurred out a quick response, "Too many times." "Go wait in my car; I'm taking you to your father house." My mother replied. "But I don't want to go to his ho...." My mother cut me off again. "Don't talk back to me when I'm talking to you. I didn't raise you to be disrespectful. You hear me?" I stood there with my head down because I knew she was right. "Oh, so you're not going to answer me?" My mother added. I was so confused; I didn't know which question to answer or ignore. "Yes mom, I'm going now." I sped walked to the front door.

Thank you for taking our time out of your day to read my story. Please, can you comment and vote if you like this content. I have more parts coming very soon. I appreciate your time!

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