The House Party

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Thank you for taking our time out of your day to read my story. Please, can you comment and vote if you like this content. I have more parts coming very soon. I appreciate your time!

"Ayeeee, that's my boy!" Kevin shouted through the crowded room, as I made my way past the fake bouncer at the door. Apparently, for this party you didn't need a school identification card or driver license; simply you needed a 12 pack of beer or a bottle of liquor. I had a bottle of the finest liquor I can afford; I only had 50 dollars to spare.

I walked through the crowd as numerous of people I didn't remember greeted me. That's when I saw her, Mrs. Jackson. I didn't know her first name; I didn't want to know it. I wanted her credentials to be a mystery. Yeah, I know it's weird, but you ever met someone so thrown off. I mean someone that you liked more before you guys were introduced. Well, I've been saving this crush for about two weeks, and every day she seemed to get closer.

"Bruh, just go talk to her, you know you want to." Kevin came through the crowd and grabbed my shoulder from the side. "You know, she's been here for about an hour, and she turned down every advance since she been here." Kevin started to add. I love to take advice from Kevin, but I'm sometimes a little dubious. I know I should let things go, but he had me do a few stupid things when I was young. Yeah, Kevin is that friend; granted he help after ish hit the fan, but he's the reason why it ensued in the first place. For instance, "Hey, put your tongue on that pole it tastes like ice cream; Mike your fork looks a little dull, put it in that outlet behind you to sharpen it." Rough times!

"Come on man, she's not the only girl at the party; Kevin look at all the bitties," I replied as I pointed at a few of the girls at the party. Even though I knew in the front of my head, none of these females could compare.

"Okay first of all, what the heck is bitties; secondly, you know damn well these girls can't compare at all," Kevin said with the disapproving face. Kevin knew me too well to believe that load of b.s.

"I guess you're right about these forth screen replacement females. And I can't believe you forgot, bitties= booty, and titties." I finished and started shaking my head. Kevin forgot about the code name for females.

Kevin started laughing and pushed me hard on my shoulder. "Where can I put this bottle?" I asked; I was getting tired holding it. Kevin used his head to signal toward the kitchen. Of course, Mrs. Jackson was standing right next to the kitchen entrance. I looked at Kevin, and he smiled back.

"Come on man, you got the icebreaker in your hand, hold on wait; no pun intended." Kevin countered when he realized what he said. I laughed briefly, "Bring your goofy ass man." I said as I lead the way to the kitchen.

"What happens with your father and mother dinner?" Kevin yelled in my ear as we crowd surfed through the drunken students. It seemed like it got louder toward the kitchen. "Bruh, let me tell you. First, you know this guy just..." I stopped and turned around to check and see who grabbed my shirt. I turned around fast and at the same time with frustration. Yeah, with all these students in this damn party, Mrs. Jackson had to be the one to grab my arm.

"Um, can I have some of that Swelter Winter?" Mrs. Jackson said as she leaned close to my ear. I know I'm not crazy, or maybe I am, but it felt like she licked my ear when she finished. I looked in Kevin direction to gain confirmation but like a real best friend. I could see a little glimpse of baby blue button-up shirt shuffle through the crowd in the opposite direction. "What you want me to get on my knee and beg for some?" Mrs. Jackson said as a joke I think. I'm a man, and all I could think of is a beautiful woman on her knees begging for some liquid. Come on Mike snap out of it. I looked at her and shook my head and finished walking through the crowd of students. I felt her reach out and grab my hand so I can guild her to the kitchen. Oh My Gosh! Mrs. Jackson hand were so soft; I think I felt cotton rougher than her hand.

I walked in the kitchen, and it seemed like, as soon as we walked in; everyone else in the kitchen just left. "So do you want ice with your drink?" I asked to break the ice. Ah shoot, there go those damn puns again.

"Ice? Nah we taking shots." Mrs. Jackson replied

"We mind as well make a game out of it."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Stephen Curry question shot."

"What the heck is that?"

"We ask three questions and then take a shot."

"I like it; I'll start. Do you have a girlfriend? How old are you? What you're majoring in?" Mrs. Jackson shot out three questions fast.

"Well, I just turned 21 so whoop whoop to the drinks, um; I'm majoring in Medical so that I can be a doctor and no, I do not have a girlfriend," I answered; I looked at her face when I said no I don't have a spouse. A small but very noticeable smirk curled up on one side of her face.whoop whoop to the drinks, um; I'm majoring in Medical so that I can be a doctor and no, I do not have a girlfriend," I answered; I looked at her face when I said no I don't have a spouse. A small but very noticeable smirk curled up on one side of her face.

"Okay, my turn; what's your first name? How old are you? What are you majoring in?" I asked. "And oh yeah this is for you." I continued, as I pour her a shot of the Swelter Winter.

"Well, my full name is July Jackson; I'm 22, and I'm also majoring in medical. Why did you ask for my first name but didn't ask if I had a boyfriend?" July asked with the most confused look on her face.

"Well, that's two question right there; you mind as well as the last one," I suggested before I answered the other two questions.

"Dang, well, I see you were looking at me; why didn't you say anything to me? And give me that bottle mister." July snatched the bottle out my hand and started to pour me a shot.

"Um, I never knew your first name, I knew you didn't have a boyfriend tho. I believe you look beautiful; I didn't want to be disappointed. You know theirs a lot of balloon head smart women in this school. I was scared that you were one too, so I admired you from a distance." I answered, in my head, I was thinking. {What the hell am I thinking to be this honest.} Whatever I just did, well it worked. July was blushing uncontrollably.

"Well, what do you think about me now since you've met me?" July asked I could tell she was flattered because her body language was screaming it.

"I feel like I want to change my previous answers. I said I was single, but I have someone in mind." I finished; at this point, the gloves are off. July wasn't a balloon head; she was everything that I wasn't. July could be my other half. "Well, we should take another shot because I don't know how many questions that was," I added.

"You know what, I like you, Michael Griffin."

"I like you too July Jackson."

Thank you for taking our time out of your day to read my story. Please, can you comment and vote if you like this content. I have more parts coming very soon. I appreciate your time!

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