America #3

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~ Obese ~

Quick idea I got after my own sibling said something about America (the country).

You, Alfred, Matthew, and your little sister Rose were in the living room watching the TV. A dumb show about something or other was on the screen and the only one who was really engaged in it was your boyfriend. Alfred's eyes were glued to the screen and he laughed whenever the characters attempted to make a joke.

Matthew was nodding off as he hugged his polar bear, your sister had her head on her fist as her eyes wandered the room to find amusement, and you were sideways to the TV with your legs on Alfred's lap and pretending to be interested. Matthew and Rose each had their own chair while you and Alfred shared the couch. Rose was closest to the remote, which was on an end table in between the couch and her chair.

Not being able to take it anymore, Rose snatched the remote off the table and pointed it at the TV. The screen changed to the news and Alfred let out a wail of protest. Surprisingly, the news was more interesting than the show y'all were watching before. Matthew's eyes were open again as he watched the American news.

The reporter was talking about McDonalds, showing scenes of people inside ordering and workers making the food. Rose sighed and dropped the remote back onto the table.

"America is obese," she grumbled. Alfred's head never snapped to her so fast. Matthew's eyes were wide as he stared at Rose and his brother, scared something bad was going to happen, and he squeezed Kumajiro. Meanwhile, you were trying to hold in your laughterーwhich required both hands over your mouth and biting your cheek.

Rose noticed everyone's mood instantly change and looked over, pulling a puzzled expression. "What?" She asked. Alfred opened his mouth but you butted in.

"Nothing, nothing." You waved her off, letting a couple giggles escape. Alfred still looked unhappy but Matthew appeared relieved that there wasn't going to be any yelling.

"I'm not fat," Alfred mumbled when Rose turned back to the TV.

"No you're not," you patted his arm and sent him a reassuring smile. "She meant-"

"Anyone wanna watch something else?" Rose asked loudly.

Matthew nodded. "Sure-"

"Yeah," Alfred replied equally as loud as her. Rose picked up the remote and pointed it at the TV.

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