America (Part 2)

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~ Repost (2) ~


"Oh, hey dude!" He got to his feet and stuck his hands on his hips with an award-winning smile plastered on his face. He was dressed in his brown bomber jacket, tan pants, and gloves. You flicked on the lamp beside your bed and blinked, shocked into silence.

"Soooooo how did I get here?" He spun in a circle, taking in the appearance of the room he was not in a minute ago.

"Uh..." You had to close your mouthーwhich had dropped openーand swallow. "I don't know. I thought it was just for fun." He approached you and your eyes widened a fraction. The America was in your room! "You're even hotter in person." It just slipped.


"Nothing!" Your face turned red and you attempted to hide your face behind your hair. He didn't say anything for a little bit and you pushed your hair away to see what he was doing. He had picked up a little toy of himself and was examining it.

"Why does this look like me?" America held it up beside him as if to prove the two were alike and you bit your lip.

"Ok, stick with me, I'll get to that in a second." You slid out of your bed and grabbed your laptop, opening it up and going back onto Tumblr. "I'm not really sure how you got here, I just know that I resposted something and it actually came true." You went back to the image and nearly jumped when you felt him set his head on your shoulder. Glancing at him out of the corner of your eye, you watched his ocean blue eyes move back and forth as he read the text.

"Huh," was his wise statement once he finished. Then he let out a loud laughーwhich caused you to jumpーand stood up. "Cool!" He left your side to wander around your room, flipping on the light so he could see everything better. You winced and closed your eyes at the sudden light.

Once your eyes adjusted you shut your laptop and set it aside. You flipped off the lamp by your bed. "You're not worried about getting back?"

"Nah, I was at a meeting. Those things are lame, dude," he whined. "England was talking about how the production of tea bags was higher than last year and other British-y things."

"That sounds awesome..." you whispered, eyes wide with awe.

"Yeah, sure..." his eyebrows furrowed but then he smiled again and held up the action figure from before. "Where'd you get this?"

"I bought it. Around here you're a character in a show called Hetalia."

"It must be good if I'm in it," he smiled broadly. The corner of your lips quirked up and you reached for your laptop.

"I can show you a couple episodes if you're interested." You took a seat on your bed and he plopped down next to you. You tried to focus on the laptop and not that fact that a country was sitting next to you, brushing your arm with his own.

When the first epis0de America was in was up on the screen and playing, you shifted the laptop onto his lap so he could see better. You sat back and watched him. This had to be a dream, there was no other logical explanation. How else could a fictional character be sitting right next to you on your bed?

You reached out slowly and poked his cheek, pulling your hand back quickly when he shot you a confused look. "Just, uh, making sure you're real," you offered a nervous smile and he shrugged and went back to watching the screen. You can't touch things in dreams, right?

You inhaled deeply, held your breath for 3 seconds, then slowly exhaled. But what if this was real? Besides the fact that it wasn't physically possible (as far as you knew), there wasn't anything saying this couldn't happen. It's possible there's another dimension out there where the countries exist, it's not an unheard of concept.

You were brought back to reality when America laughed so hard he snorted. He wiped tears from his eyes and let out another laugh. You were about to ask him what was so funny when he turned to you.

"I'm so funny." You nearly sighed. Of course. "Anyways, episode's over," he handed the laptop back to you.

"Do you wanna see another one or..." you trailed off, cause honestly you didn't know what else to do. You'd never been in this situation before.

"You got any hamburgers 'round here? I'm starving," he got to his feet. You didn't, so you got to your feet and grabbed a hoodie to put on over your pjs.

"McDonalds or Burger King?" You asked, grabbing your wallet and phone as you headed for the door. His eyes lit up and he practically skipped after you as you left the room.


"Alright, but I'm only getting you a couple. I'm not rich," you held up a finger like you were warning a small child and he nodded his head rapidly. You snatched your car keys off the counter and headed to the garage.

When the car reached the 24 hour McDonalds, you yawned. You had almost forgotten that it was the middle of the night. If not for the fact that there was no one else driving around and no sunlight, you probably wouldn't have noticed. (You tend to kind of forget the rest of the world when a fictional character you love is sitting next to you in the car excited by getting to eat burgers.)

You parked the car and shut it off, popping open your door. America got out and beat you to the door, just remembering his manners as he was about to run inside. He held the door as you walked inside and then sprinted to the middle of the counter, eyes huge as he took in all of his options. You strolled up beside him and watched the single worker you could see approach.

She looked between the two of you and sighed. You watched her carefully as she took her place in front of the register and said in a monotone voice "What can I get you?"

"You first," you waved America forward and he took a step closer so he was right in front of her.

"I'll have 4 Big Macs," he said proudly. She slowly turned her eyes to the register and typed that in. You stood shocked as she faced you next.

"Whatdya want?" You didn't respond, you were just too surprised. You thought for sure you were hallucinating, imagining he was here, but this lady just proved she could see him too. So if you weren't hallucinating or dreaming, was that enough proof that he actually existed? "Miss?" The annoyed woman working at McDonals hissed.

"Oh, sorry, um." You stepped forward. "I'll just have a small chocolate shake."

"Is that all?"


"That'll be $18.15." [That is the actual cost of 4 Big Macs and a small shake without tax.] You took a twenty out of your wallet and handed it over. She rung it up and gave you your change, then gave you the receipt and walked away. America walked off to find the best table while you put the change in your wallet and waited for the meal to be done.

Although you probably should've just accepted the situation, you still couldn't fully wrap your mind around it. How was America here? Just because you repost something doesn't mean it happens.

The boisterous American slid up beside you. "Hey-o." You abruptly hugged him, startling him and causing him to tense up. But after a moment he loosened up and wrapped his arms around you. "What's this for?" He asked after a few moments of silence.

"I just...wanted to hug you," you stepped back, a twinge of pink on your cheeks. "Before you leave." He smiled and opened his mouth to say something.

"Your order's ready," the woman snapped, pushing the tray on the counter with your food towards you two.

"Awesome!" America shouted, running over and grabbing the tray before jogging back to the table he picked. Man, this is weird. I never thought I'd get a chance to do anything like this. You smiled and followed him to the table. But I might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

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