Chapter 4 - Dark Paradise

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I'm sorry for the delay but as you guys know, life happened and I really had a bit of writer's blog on where I'd go with this next. Fortunately, I have a good idea now and I'll try to update more regularly. I hope all of you enjoy this.

And there's no remedy;

For memory

Your face is like a melody,

It won't leave my head.

Your soul is haunting me

And telling me

That everything is fine

But I wish I was dead

 Dead like you.

Harry's POV:

As I woke up, I realized that the apartment is filled with silence. They left, I'm all alone. I wasn't suprised. Ever since that bastard destroyed my life, I felt a constant sense of abandonment, No one understood me and I had come to terms with that. 

I made my way to the lou and brushed my teeth and washed my face with haste. I was feeling antsy for some odd reason.

I quickly got my skinny jeans, black polo shirt and converse on and made my way out of the apartment. I have no clue where I'm going; that really doesn't matter though. I've heard so much about the Rockefeller Plaza and decided to make my way there.

Getting a taxi was suprisingly easy. Luckily, the morning traffic seems to have disipated as the morning was close to being over. The driver told me that we should arrive at the plaza by noon. 

For the first time in a while. I felt a bit of excitement. New York is an adrenaline building monstrosity. It's exciting yet dangerous. The sense of mystery intrigueed me. It made me want to seek out the entoxicating dangers of the city. 

We quickly made our way into the centre of the plaza and I handed the driver the bill. The plaza seemed suprisingly quiet. I made my way to a hair salon and decided that I needed a fresh outlook inside and out.

"Hi there, darling, what will it be?", asked the bombshell blonde,

"I need a new look. I want something darker and I'm sick of these curls."

"I think I have just what you're looking for".

Within minutes, many customers were starting to pile in, luckily I avoided the rush. New York seemed to be all about the rush, The desire to move on, avoid any sort of coversation. The blondie gazed at me with a smile on her face.

"How does a medium cut and a black hair dye sound sweetie?"

I nodded my head. I honestly didn't care at that point. I needed something to help remove my dark past and went along with it.

The entire process seemed to last ages. It's been a few hours and the dye was beginning to sinki in my hair. 

"Okay, you're done babe".

As I glanced at the mirror, I felt a sense of relief. The old me was gone forever. I could finally start over. I handed the lady the $100 and made my way out.

There were many cute shops around and as I began to browse, a shiver started to creep throughout my body.

I felt, watched. Something was definitely not right.

I quickly made my way in Macy's and decided to drown my fear by shopping. I was going to start a professional job and I needed to look the part.

I tried on mutiple khaki colored pants and made my way to the dress shirts.

For some reason, I was attracted to the color black. It made me feel complete. I always felt a pit of emptiness deep down and filling it with a new look and outlook was the only way I could move on.

The clothes continued to be piled in the fitting room.  I was going all out.

As I made my way to the front of the store, I noticed a group of girls giving me goggly eyes. I've always attracted the ladies for some odd reason and it was beyond frustrating, not that I was looking for anyone at that moment.

The total came up to $500.34. I paid the cashier in cash and quickly made my way outside. 

By that time, it was late afternoon and nightfall would be fastly approaching.

As I was walking down Fifth Avenue, I felt a sense of familiarity creep on me as I made my way past Tomlinson Lawfirm. A couple was kissing and it made me long the days where I had someone.

Okay, so that was a bit short and again I'm so sorry for the delay.

~Ziamking x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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