Chapter 2 - Walking On Air

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I'm going to dedicate this chapter to the lovely Zed. You are honestly so sweet and I wanted to thank you for all the lovely comments. Anyways, here's chapter 2:


This is pure paradise,

Even heaven is jealous of our love

Yes, we make angels cry,

Raining down on earth from up above

Just when I think I can't take anymore

We go deeper and harder than ever before

We go higher and higher

I feel like I'm already there

 Zayn’s POV:

Liam is my everything now. Whenever he stares into my eyes, a shiver crawls underneath my skin and makes my entire body numb. 

I love Niall, but that boy seriously needs to find a new man. It's been three months and Li and I can't do anything. 

When the two of us make love, we reach a feeling beyond heaven. He seriously completes me and helps me reach true happiness.

It was fine when we had another roomate and Niall was dating him but now. it's different. I get it, he feels like the third wheel.  

I never asked for any of this. I never wanted Niall's heart to be broken. I never asked for Niall to fall into a deep state of depression. I just want all of us to be happy again; this feeling is unbearable.

Our new roommate is coming in today and he is quite the looker from what I've seen from the picture we got. If there's any chance of getting Niall out of her for one minute. it's from that mysterious boy.

"Liam, get dressed! We're going to get some pizza to celebrate our new roomate."

"Zayn, can I come?", Niall whispererd.

"Sorry Ni, but someone has to stay behind in case our new roommate arrives."

And just like that, Niall went back to his room with a look of utter sadness and diappintment. We haven't seen a glimpse of his smile in ages and at the moment we're just trying to break this awkwardness with a celebratroy pizza bash.

"Are you ready Li?"

"Yeah Zee, let's go."

We were off to our favorite pizza shop, "Pizza Palace", which had the best New York Deep Dish pizza that we've ever tasted. Just thinking about it made me salivated the soft yet hard crust along with the rich cheese and the pungent yet delectable tomato sauce.

"So Li, do you think we'll ever get through to Niall? I mean it's been three months already and that boy hasn't a glimpse of his old self since that very day his heart got shattered. I feel sorry for the lad but it's starting to effect us."

"Zayn, I agree with what you're saying and we gave him time but sometimes the destructive power of heartbreak can never be healed. We need to be there for him and show him that he has something to live for. He hasn't done anything out of the ordinary but I wouldn't be shocked if all of these feelings evantually made him do something unhealthy."

"You're right Li. You've always been the voice of reason and I truly love you for that. Your eyes glisten with the brightness of the sun, and your words are priceless. You remind me that there's more to us then hot sex, through the sex really is definitely up there".

Liam blushed at that last statement. As their conversation reaching its ending point, they realized that they had arrived at Pizza Palace. 

It was still relatively early which was definitely a good thing since they wouldn't have to wait as long.

They were regulars at the restaurant. Liam had gone up to to the cashier and had asked for our usual which was an extra large deep dish pizza with half pepperoni and mushroom and the other half onion and green peppers. 

The lady told us that it would be ready within 20 minutes or so. 

The two of us had made our way to an empty table near the windows and begun to discuss our new roommate.

"I wonder what he's like Li? He seems like the mysterious pretty boy type."

"Who knows, if there's one thing you should remember is that you should never judge a book by its cover. Take Niall for instance, you may think he seems like the typically bubbly bodacious blonde but that's clearly a facade.. There's more to him than meets the eye and I'm sure the same goes for our new mystery roommate."

"You're right again Li, I guess that's why you choose me to be your boyfriend". Just like that Liam's an intensely red blush crept up Liam's face and I began to giggle at the throught of making my boyfriend blush.

"Zayn you seriously are such a pain in my rear, though your rear isn't such a bad view."

Ughhhh, I hate it when Liam gets to me. I was the one with all the control yet he manages to make me feel like the innocent boy that I try to conceal.

Everyone views me as a bad boy based on all my tattoos, how I style my hair and the clothes I wear. That's not really who I am and Liam sees past the generalizations that most make about me. HIs ability to look past all of this is what made me fall in love with him and over time, I realized that I want to spend the rest of my life with this man. He truly makes me happy.

"Liam, you truly are the love of my life. Your very presence brightens the darkness that was my life. You're thoughtful, charming, funny and quite the looker if I do say so myself. What I really respect is you ability to see the good in others as well as your selflessness. It's so damn attractive and what I'm trying to say is, I'm happy that you're in my life."

"That's too sweet Zee. I think we should stop this game though since all we're really doing is a creating a red show for the customers here".

At that moment the lady called for Liam and were off with the pizza. 

Niall's POV:

I really wish that Zayn wasn't such a selfish prick at times since I've clearly been going through a rough time. I hate that I have to see both of my roomates happily in love while I'm left to wollow in what I once had. I loved him with every bone in my body and he tossed my aside like I was just a side project.

He was my everything and I can't get past it. It's been three months and I'm still dwelling on that one moment. That moment ruined my life and I can't force a smile for the life of me. My blonde hair faded and the dark roots slowly swallowed the little bit of brightness that I had left.

What was the point in living anymore if you felt like you were just another disposable item. It didn't mean anything to him, I didn't mean anything to him and it hurts. I can't just get over it and time doesn't always heal wounds as deep as these. I don't even know if I can love again.

Just now, I hear the doorbell echoing off in the distance. I go to answer expecting to see Liam and Zayn but I come to realize that it's a curly haired stranger.

"Hi", he greeted me.



Okay, so Niall and Harry officially met and we had a ton of Ziam fluff in this chapter. I'm still shocked at the response this has gotten so far. I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you for the support. It really does mean a lot. Anyways, I posted on my wall about this story being entered in the Bromance Awards, you can vote for it here:

I wanted to let you all know that if you all help me make it through the next round, I will have the next chapter of this up by Sunday. Thank you for the support. Anyways don't forget to:




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