Chapter 1 - Under Control

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I'll never forget that feeling, when I watched you disappear.

And you made me stop believing, I could fight away the fear.

Now the smoke has cleared and the end is near; it was my illusion like a broken dream I was incomplete, but your love was never the missing piece.

Harry's POV:

It's been three years since that day and I honestly haven't been the same. My parents knew that something was peculiar but I could never let them know. I left my entire life back in England to pursue a new dream in what's arguably the most notably famous city in the world, New York. 

Everyone thought that I was crazy. Well they weren't wrong, but I needed this. Leaving brought me in a state of absolution; my old home had too many painful memories that continued to haunt me every day through my dreams.

I'm a changed man, in more ways than one. 

I  no longer am that bubbly, charming lively life of the party boy. I'm a hallow version of my former self with only the desire to live life alone. I don't want love, I don't need anything. I'm only in it for myself; it's a game of survival. 

I still secretly love him though. Even though it appeared to be  meaningless to him, I still treasure all our memories and would return if I could. Unfortunately, that isn't reality and I'm no longer in the right frame of mind.

He may have torn my desire to love that day, but my ambitions will forever be here. I am about to start a new life. Maybe I can love again, but until then my heart only weeps for him.

These reminiscing thoughts keep reminding me that I'm no longer at a happy point in my life. The shine that  was once seen in my eyes dissipated and was forever lost in a sea of nothingness.

As I await our arrival in New York, I quickly began to take in the fact that I'm going to be living alone for the first time. I have no fear since I feel like I have nothing to lose. In a game of risk it's terrifying when you have so much to gamble but I, have absolutely nothing.

The plane slowly began to descend and within a few minutes, everything came to a halt. 

All of the passengers slowly begin to make their way off the plane and as I step out, I feel a sense of  reknewal. 

The air feels different, it's more inviting. Maybe I have a sense of hope? Or perhaps I was delusional and was merely holding on to the happiness that I once had.

I ended up saving 10,000 pounds over the past few years which is equivalent to about 16,000 US dollars.  

Right before I came, I was searching for a potential place I could call home and came across an ad with a group of men around my age seeking a new roommate. One of them caught my eyes. He had stormy blue eyes that captured my attention. Something was pushing me to go for that particular ad. All three guys appeared to be reasonably wealthy and maybe I could quietly fit in.

Rent in New York is extremely expensive from what I've found through my research and I definitely had the means to live comfortably with a few roommates.

The thing about me is, I have sunk into a deep depression that no one knows about. If I live with roomates, I need to stay silent and keep my distance. They can never know of my dark past. I will bring that secret to my grave if I must; no one deserves to feel these intense feelings of rejection, betrayal and hopelessness.

Sadly, he made me that way. I can no longer trust anyone and need to build my walls up to block out anyone who could potentially hurt me.

My heart's beating thumps have been covered with an icy cold sense of loneliness and silence.

I slowly made my way to the gates and quickly searched for my luggage. I had the address listed in my phone. 

Finding a cab driver proved to be somewhat difficult. It was a busy day and people were clearly in a rush to make it to whatever commitments they had.

I mean, I really didn''t have any commitments and wasn't in a rush. I let dozens of people claim their cabs and made my way over to an empty part of the airport.

I saw a cab making its way over here and waved my arm in the air.

The car approached me and as I hopped in, I felt a sense of comfort.

"Where to sir?", he kindly asked.

"I need to be taken to 455 Fifth Ave."

"Very well. It'll likely be a twenty to thirty minute drive."

And just like that, we were off.

The driver was a middle aged man, perhaps in his mid-late forties and he seemed like a genuinely upbeat person. He turned the radio on and with seconds this infectious song with a "and we gonna let it burn burn burn" hook in the chorus  was playing. 

I believe it was Ellie Goulding. It was nice to hear a bit of home here. 

"So, what brings you to the Big Apple son?"

"I came from England here because I found a job and some roomates."

I'm always very short and straight to the point when people talk to me. I used to be very expressive, an open book filled with numerous stories that have been shared. 

The book was now locked and we continued the drive in silence.


Okay, so let me know what you guys think below. Get ready for some Ziam feels next chapter and how will Niall react when he sees Harry? There will be lots going on and I purposely focused on Harry for a bit to help you guys get a better sense of his overall character. Anyways, I'm sorry for rambling. 


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