Fading Memory's

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Enjoy loves❤️
*Time skip 6 months*
Lances POV

How long has it been since I've been here? Weeks, months, years, I lost count after second day of being in here. So far I've had either mental torture or physical torture. They try to break me but here's the thing, I'm already broken, you can't break someone that was already broken in the first place.

I wonder what everyone in voltron was doing, were they trying to find me or have they given up on me and got a new Paladin for blue. I wonder if Allura is blue's new Paladin like I wanted it to be, Blue needed someone stronger then me and worthy. I'm none of those things I'm a broken boy from Cuba, I'm useless, Unworthy, Stupid, Untalented, and most of all the 7th wheel of Voltron. Im kinda glad the galra captured me at least I wouldn't be holding Voltron back anymore.

Kieth, I wonder if he is okay, What the hell am I saying of course he is why wouldn't he be not okay. We are rivals, he's probably happy I'm not there anymore, he probably thinks I'm dead and is happy. Keith, I wonder if he read my letter I wrote him, he probably laughed at it and threw it away being disgusted of a guy liking him. He's straight with no doubt, I'm bi, he probably is disgusted by me like everyone else was. Except my family they always supported me with being bi, my family was my only friends until I met James then hunk in the Garrison. He seemed to be supportive but once he found out who I was he would leave me like the rest of them did.

What the hell is wrong with me, now is not the time to be thinking of those people. I need to move around the walls were closing I on my by the minute, I tried to stand up but as soon as I was almost up on my feet the cell door opened and my favorite person appeared.....Prince Lotion.

(A/N I'm sorry I just die and I need to have my fun once and a while,I'm a annoying fucker I know that hahaha ok ok fine I'll leave *dramatically walks away with her famous hair flip*)

"Well hello Lotion,What do I owe the pleasure of you being here." I said laughing

"Hello blue Paladin, still sassy as always" He said winking

"You know it, I hope you aren't falling for me now."I said winking

"Now now blue Paladin, I came here for a reason, today will be our experiment day again."He said smiling.

Right it's one of those days isn't it? Lotor snap his fingers and two galra men came in with cuffs and a blindfold, huh kinky. They put the cuffs on me first. I start to wiggle around a little bit the cuff were uncomfortable on my skin. I start to move my wrists around and soon my wrist turned red and cuts with blood dripping down my hands. They but the blindfold hold on me and all I saw blackish purple, Jesus fucking Christ do they get tired of looking at the same damn color. I mean they could change it up once in a while like a light purple but no it's the same damn color 24/7.

We started moving and it felt like we were walked forever until I heard a door slide open. They strapped me to a table and took the blindfold off of me. I saw machines all around me soon they were hooked up to me and my eyes got heavy. Is was struggling to keep them open soon I gave in and went into the darkness. All my memory's seemed to flash right in front of me like they were trying to keep me alive. Each and every memory I had faded away I tried to reach for them as they were disappearing. What was happening, Then all the memories faded and I was all alone in my mind. Pictures were showed in my head of Voltron then they disappeared. I was started to wake up by someone tugging on my wrists I opened my eyes and saw myself being thrown Into the cell.

I blinked my eyes slowly,then closed them, I fall under the darkness, memory's came and then faded again. They kept on coming then faded until all that I knew was gone, What was happening to me!

I opened my eyes again and I was in a cell?

A cell for what again?
Wait where am I?
where am I?
Am I even on earth?
How old am I?
Wait who am I?!

I stared to panic as I tried to get up, But then I fell on the ground. Why was I so weak?! I remember, I remember nothing it's all blank, wait what the hell! Am I dead?

I hope I'm not dead, what did I even do to be here? Soon the door opened and a tall man with long white hair and light purple skin came into the light.

"Well hello Paladin, how are you feeling, are you still sassy as ever before?" He said smirking

Paladin? Is that my name or something and who is this guy.

"¿Quién eres?" I asked (Who are you)

"Oh my goodness you lost your memory's, well don't worry it seems like you're no use to me anymore since you don't remember anything about Voltron. Shame I just started having fun with you." He walked out of the cell mumbling something.

(A/N just to make things clear Galra know Spanish okay idk how but they does that's all)

Vol-tron? What's a voltron? Is my name Paladin since he kept on calling me that? Hmm weird name, I started to get up then a person walked into the room. He had purple skin with purple fluffy hair, yellow eyes and cat like ears. He walked towards me and I backed away from him, he seems threatening, I was scared of everything new, I didn't know who I am or where I am. He looked at me and tilted his head he seemed to be confused.

"Paladin it's me Thance, don't you remember me?"  The man names Thance said to be softly

"lo siento no sé alguien llamado Thance" I said panicking  (Sorry I don't know anyone named Thance)

"Oh dear, it seems like we have a problem!" He said walking towards me offering his hand.

"gracias?" I said taking his hands down standing up (thank you)

"We are gonna get you out of here NOW!" He said pulling me a little I wince a little and look at my wrists. Died blood and red marks and cuts covered them.

"Let's go I got a pod ready and everything!" He was running by now and I was running as well. We got to a "pod"and I got in and as soon as the door closed to shot into space. I looked back and sirens went off and ships came out of of the sides. I looked at the panels and started pressing random buttons until I pressed a button and it made the pod go faster. I looked back and saw the ships getting smaller and smaller. I let a long breath of relief and leaned back in the chair.

Wow that was interesting, but why were they after me? Am I a bad guy or something? I was getting tired so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Time skip brought to you by baby blues wife

I opened my eyes and and looked out the big window. All I saw was stars, then pod lights turned red and words came up on the screen that I didn't understand. Soon the pod was going down into a planet. I started screaming and then I hit my head on the panels and it pressed the emergency signal out into space. Blood was dripping down my face, soon I became tired I closed my eyes and darkness welcomed me like I was here before.

              But was I here before?
Word count~1,371

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