Taken from us...taken from..me

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Lances POV

I woke up at my desk and the letters under me, tear streaks cover my face. I couldn't stop thinking about my conversation with blue last night. Should I just leave this world and leave everyone from being a burden. Maybe they'll be better off without me here and they can save the universe.

I wonder if I wasn't here would the universe already be saved by Voltron? Blue doesn't deserve a paladin like me, she needs a stronger person, a more capable person to fly her, I don't deserve being here.

I put the letters in my desk under all my books and other papers. Then when I was done hiding everything the alarm rang through the castle, I grabbed my helmet I had since yesterday and I ran to the control room with my helmet in my hand.

"What's going on?!" Shiro yelled in his dad voice™.

"Lotors ships are attacking, get to your lions now!" Allura ordered.

I ran to blue's hanger, suited up and got into blue. I took off and saw Lotor's main ship and the rest of the lions fighting.

"Lance could you be early next time please!" Shiro said

"Yeah sorry" I said, I started blowing up ships and covering everybody I could. Then over the coms I hear Allura calling everyone start heading back go the castle to head into the wormhole.

We all started to go back to the castle but then I look over to Keith's lion and I see the purple beam aiming for his lion.

I flew over to Keith's side and pushed him out of the way and into the wormhole. But the beam hit my lion and my lion's lights go dim, I only hear their voices scream.

"Lance buddy?!" Hunk yelled

"Look in my desk under everything and find the letters...please." Was the last thing I said before everything went black.

Keith's POV

I felt a push on my lion and when I looked to see what it was, I saw Lance's lion got shot with a purple beam.

"LANCE!" I screamed

"Look in...desk....under... and find...Letters...please" was the last thing I heard from lance before I got sucked into the wormhole.


"Keith I can't stop the wormhole, we are almost to the end of it!"Allura yelled panicking

"Lance oh my god! Lance, why Lance!" I said tears forming in my eyes.

We got to the castle and went to the control room and everyone looked at me.

"What happened out there and what happened to lance!" Allura yelled.

"He saved me Allura, He pushed me out of the way and got shocked by Lotor's beam and he got taken by Lotor! Allura we have to go back and save him! Allura please!" I said tears streaming down my face.

"Keith we will get him back I promise." Shiro said putting his galra arm on my shoulder. I looked around the room and I saw pidge and hunk sobbing to their self. Then I looked at Coran he just stood there with a blank expression on his face.

I could tell Lance was like a son to Coran and Lance was his favorite out of the team. But me, I couldn't look at myself because all I saw was the person that might of get Lance killed.

This is all my fault if I just payed attention more then none of this would have happened and Lance still would be here...with me.I remember what lance said  "Look in...desk....under... and find...Letters...please."

Letters? What letters... I started to walk to Lance's room, once I got there I went to the desk that was on the side of the room with little blue lights around it.I looked through the desk until I found papers under books, I saw seven letters with names on them.

I looked through the letters then I saw my name on one of the them.I opened it up slowly and inside the letters it said:

Hey Mullet,

If you found this letter then I either was gonna die and told you to look for these letters or you were snooping through my stuff .I hope I went out with a bang,you get it because My bayards a gun haha *cough*. Well anyway either one of those are surprisingly a good thing because I have something to tell you, I wanted to tell you for a long time now.I had a crush on you ever since the Garrison, the first time I ever saw you was like love at first sight and I didn't think that was possible until I met you mullet.

I've been through a lot in my whole life and I handled it for a while, I bottled it all up in what seems like forever. I'm kinda glad that you found out about everything because I wanted to tell you about my insincerity's, fears, hopes, and dreams one day and I wanted you to be mine one day.

But obviously if your reading this either because i'm dead or going to die and told you about these letters, then I want you to know you'll always be my one and only true love.But if you don't feel the same I understand but I just wanted to get this all off my chest.  Mullet I love you okay?

I wanted you to be happy that's why I always acted like a idiot around you and the others. I wanted you all to be happy but mostly you because your smile drives me crazy.Keith Kogane you'll always be my one and only true love.

             Lance McClain

I didn't know I was crying until I was done reading the letter, I put my hand over my mouth of conceal my sobs. Did he know this was gonna happen or was it just in case something happened. Lance loves me, he loves me? He loves me back! My stomach was doing backflips.

My crush likes me back, I smiled a little bit while tears streamed down my face. I should probably give the rest of the team their letters. I got up from Lance's desk chair and walked out of the room to go find the rest of the team.

Lances POV
I woke with a splitting headache, where am I? I'm not at the castle, I know that for sure then a figure walked into the room.

"Hello Blue Paladin" The figure said

"Who are you?" I asked with a stern voice.

"I'm Prince Lotor" He said bowing.

"Oh your that dude Allura talks about, with the long hair that looks like a chick" I said laughing.

"You won't be laughing when I'm done with you blue Paladin. This is only the beginning" He said with a forced laugh. He picked me up by my jaw and punched me. Then the darkness welcomed me again.

I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter and I wanted to thank you for getting me to 100 reads on this story.

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