Chapter 4

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( Katy's POV )

I can feel Rose standing behind me , why isn't she sitting down or something she's just standing there .

"Sit down " I said with anger In my voice

She sat down on the other end of the couch

"Why were you disrespectful to your teacher and why did you embarrass him ? "

She didn't answer she just sat there

"I asked you a question "

"Because he practically in his own stupid words pointed out that nobody wanted me in front of the whole class "

"Why would he do that ?"

" I don't know because he's a jerk "

"What did you say to him to make him say that ?"

"Well I told him the truth , I said his shirt looks like crap and his tie was ugly , now do you see how it's not my fault ?"

"How am I suppose to see that , what do you think your punishment should be ?"

"Well if you think I am going to apologize you got something wrong with your head , and maybe you should ground me from school "

"Did you just call me stupid ?"

"Those are your words not mine "

( Rose's POV )

"Those are your words not mine " I said sarcastically

I herd Katy mumbling "I never should have got you " .

"Your right " I said as I stood up

I ran out side my bike was still in the front yard I got on it

"Rose wait I'm sorry I didn't mean that " Katy shouted as she ran toward me

" Yes you did !" I shouted as I rode out the gate .

I rode to the park and stopped , I wasn't crying or anything I could feel myself want to burst out crying , but I held it in .

"Hey Rose " I turned around and saw Mark standing there

I walked over to him and began to cry , I could feel him rub my back as he hugged me back .

" Rose what's wrong ? " He asked

( Mark's POV )

"Rose what's wrong ?" I asked

"Can I tell you later ?" she said

I stood there holding her she was crying in my shoulder , for some reason I think it has to do with what happens in school . she stepped back .

"Does this have to do with what those girls were saying ?" I asked

"No how do you know about that ?" she asked me

"I here about it from some people who were talking at lunch , but I don't know what the said all I herd was that some girls were being mean to you " I answered

" Do you want to know what they said ?" she asked me

"Yea sure " I answered

"They said I was a fat lose and like my teacher said , that nobody wanted me that's why I was an orphan , that no one would ever love me or want me or need me and that I should just leave the world and give everyone peace " she said wile crying in between

"Oh gosh they are jerks and they don't know what they are talking about " I said

"No it's true my real mom found me from the orphanage and got me then today she said she never should have got me " Rose said with tears streaming down her face

"Well she might not need or want you but I do I need and want you "I said as I brought her in for a hug "my parents aren't here there in New York for a business conference the said the would tell me when the are coming home until they get home you can stay with me " I continued

"Ok thank you so much , but I don't have any clothes " she said

"Well we can sneak into your house later on tonight and get your stuff " I said

"Ok thank again so much " she said as she stepped back and wiped her eyes

"Let's go back to my house ok " I said

She got on her bike and I got on mine and we went to my house .

( Katy's POV )

What do I do she left upset what if she doesn't come back I should text her , first I'll ask Shannon to come over with me .

Katy : hey will you please come over to my place and stay with me till Rose gets home , we got into a big fight and she left , I'll explain more when you get here .

Shannon : ya I'll be over in 10 .

I didn't reply to her I just sat there crying ,bi should text Rose.

Katy : Rose please come back I'm so sorry I didn't mean it I was just mad .

Rose : no you did mean it and I'm not going to be back probably ever if I can help it , now leave me alone !.

Katy : please Rose please come back .

She didn't reply . I was still crying this is all my fault , oh wait I'll see her tomorrow when I go for the meeting well if she goes . I got up and looked out the window waiting for Shannon . I ran to open the door when she got here . she walked over here and hugged me I know she can tell I was crying .

"What happen ?" She asked

I explained everything.

"Well why did you say that you didn't want her ?" she asked

"I didn't know she herd me till she said I was right and I was mad it just came out " I said wile crying "will you stay with me tonight , I really don't want to be alone " I asked

"Ya of course , it's getting late did you eat ?" she asked

"No but I'm to nervous what if she gets hurt or lost or something ?" I asked

"She won't she's smart she'll be fine ,I'll go order some pizza to get your mind off of this we can watch a movie , like old time " she said as she walked to the kitchen

( Marks POV )

"Are you ready to go we need to hurry when we get in " Rose whispered with a little panic in her voice

"I know just slide the door open and be quiet "I whispered

She slid Katy back door open and snuck in and walked up the stairs I walked in and I here voices I walked to the kitchen and peaked me head over I saw Katy and her friend I think her name is Shannon they were watching a movie , did they even miss Rose or care if she was out alone and cold , that really mad me so so mad I wanted to go in there and tell them something but I didn't I turned around and walked up the stairs to where Rose was , she was a almost done packing she didn't have to much .

"Here you take my backpack I'm going to go back to your house you get my computer and then go back ok " she whispered as she left the room I got her computer and stuck it in my bag and the I went back down the stairs , I saw Rose walked to my house and went in . I was still mad so I decided to confront Katy .

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