Swivelling kittys (Chapter 9)

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The elders gasped, watching the feline senile chat calmly to Rosen's spleen-less corpse and feed him roasted churning duck lips.
"She's weird." Jonathon said.
"And very dysfunctional." Bentley added, rubbing his nasal glands together.
"Come on Bentley get out there and get his spleen!" Jonathon screeched, Kemp and Ramsay backing him up. Bentley swallowed very loudly, and started to venture out into the wilds towards the carousel. Streak and Rosen were right next to the carousel on the teacup ride, so Bentley had to be quick. As he approached the swivelling spleen, the carousel began to move faster.
"Come on Bentley." Ramsay hissed, waggling his eyelashes. Bentley leaped on to the moving ride, and began untying the red, quivering spleen from the horse. He sniffed the spleen out from the rope, and quickly confined it in his nasal canals.
"YES! WELL DONE BENTLEY!" Kemp cried, way too loudly. The teacup ride came to a halt and Streak slowly turned her head round, so she was staring at the elders in the eye.
"Shit." Kemp shrieked, clutching Jonathon like a toy rubber ducky.
"Kemp, remain still. Streaks eyesights very bad. If we all stay still she won't see us." Ramsay whispered. Ramsay, Jonathon, Edward and Kemp stood in the shadows quivering. Sadly, the Hector Dog ruined everything. He stood on his back legs and extended his neck, and let out a loud, spraying anal noise that sprayed swivelling kitty's everywhere.
"MEOW MEOW!" The swivelling kitty's chords shivered, as they hit the ground running.
"NO." Ramsay yelled, plunging into the fairground and facing Streak.
"Streak. It is I, Ramsay!" He bellowed. Streak started laughing, very loudly. Her cardigan was at straining point, as her breasts started to enflame and enlarge.
"What is going on here." Jonathon roared in shock.
"She's popping open." Ramsay gasped, backing away with the other elders into the shadows. Suddenly, streaks cardigan buttons flew off in all directions and her flapping, swelling breasts popped out and started firing pussy's (the rude pussy) at the elders.
"My pussy's are enflamed and angry. They love your anal glands, beware - the pussy cavity's are opening." Streak cackled, as the elders ran away, leaving Streak and her firing pussy cavity's at the fairground.
"Wait. Where's Bentley?" Jonathon shivered. A deathly silence fell over the forest, but suddenly a large, wobbly nostril came striding towards them - followed by Bentley.
"IM SAFE!" Bentley yelled, reaching the elders.
"Yay, we can rejoice in final happiness." Kemp bellowed, dancing in a circle, clutching Bentleys swivelling hands.
"No. We can't." Ramsay roared angrily. "We still need to get Rosen, and what is Streak going to do to him? We have his spleen, but Rosen's still with Streak and I think she's on Chappys side."
"But I can sniff deeply into Rosen's spleen and see what streaks been doing." Bentley replied, pulling the hot spleen out from his nostril glands.
"Ok. Let's venture inside." Kemp wriggled, as Bentley examined the spleen and pulled out a video tape.
"How did that get in there?" Jonathon yelled. "Rosen, What has Streak done to you?" The elders gathered round as Bentley figured out how to play the tape.
"I know what to do." Edward roared, stepping forward for the first time. The elders turned to him expectantly. "I have superior senile powers in my anus that can play all sorts of videos. My anal hairs also love to tingle your lips." The Edwardian mole giggled. He snatched the tape from Bentley and shoved it into his anus. A hologram appeared, ejecting a large screen showing Streak with Rosen and Chappy.
"Oh Chappy." Streak cackled. "Rosen can now become one of us."
"Yes. I have delivered the masturbation kit into his spleen and now all you have to do, is tickle him with your eyelashes on the teacup ride." Chappy replied. "Then, he'll be ours."
The elders watched as Streak carried Rosen's corpse out of the lab. The tape stopped.
"ROSENS NOW EVIL?!" Jonathon yelled.
"Wat." Edward screeched, pulling the video tape out from his anal cavity's.
"This is bad. We now have to face Streak, Rosen and Chappy." Kemp gasped, while Bentley sniffed Edwards anal hole.
"Don't worry fellow felines. We are strong. We can do this." Ramsay bellowed.
"Plus." Bentley said. "I have a brother who can help."

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