A Spleen on a Carousel (Chapter 8)

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Kemp gasped, his jaw dropping and touching the ground.
"Rosen's corpse is not lying here in the dark." He whispered, shuddering.
"So, Rosen's not dead?" Ramsay exclaimed, rejoicing with his fluorescent dick.
"He's still alive...." kemp agreed, charging his vagina and creating cock shaped fireworks in the sky. "Pump them my propelling penis." He giggled, his vaginal opening pumping the fireworks.
"Um okay then." Bentley sniffed, his neck extending so he could sniff Kemp's genitals very closely.
"When was the last time you washed them?" Bentley growled angrily.
"Since World War 1. My mother taught me to let the dogs cleanse them with their fluent ears." Kemp replied, patting his Hector Dog. Bentley roared happily, and started sniffing Rosen's empty grave.
"I smell his spleen swivelling on the carousel." Bentley cackled, beckoning the other elders sexually with his twittering nasal (nostril) canals. As the elders trudged through the dark (it's never day), Ramsay started thinking about what Bentley had said: "I smell his spleen swivelling on the carousel." Spleen swivelling on the carousel? Ramsay knew that there was a fairground nearby, but Rosen hates funfairs. He said the rides made his erectile cavity's burst like angry kitty's. A bit weird, but okay. Who....or what could have bought Michael to the funfair? And his spleen? Had someone technically removed his spleen? And left it tied to the carousel? Oh dear god. As the elders approached, Bentley lifted his head back, and his nasal holes began to spray acid into the air like a fountain.
"BENTLEY? ARE YOU OKAY?" Jonathon and kemp screeched, terrified.
Bentley nodded, "yep. Just warming up them glands." The elders continued, nearing the funfairs location with Bentley and Kemp in the lead. Sneezy and the Hector dog weren't getting along very well. Sneezy was more into children's anal glands, than the Hector Dogs strange fetish for kitty's churning chords. Jonathon and Ramsay were walking along together, discussing masturbation, while Edward trailed along at the back by himself. He hadn't managed to fit in with the elders very well - they were all very close, and he felt left out and secluded. Edwardian Mole had always had feelings for Kemp, so when he joined the elders and left Nasuto in the abyss of erectile tension, he had thought that he could connect with kemp....maybe go into the bedroom. But no. Kemp was determined to destroy Chappy Choo, and had left Edward behind. In the depths of the tails of kids. Soon, the troop of senile rectums came across the fairground and saw what Bentley had described.
A hot, abused looking spleen was tied down with coarse kids ovaries to the carousel, whilst it sped round like a diabetic bone. The other theme park rides weren't working, only the Carousel and Teacup ride. Two people were sitting calmly in the teacups - a man and a woman.
"Is that..." Ramsay started, shocked.
"ROSEN!" Jonathon shrieked, before being confined inside Edwards anus to stop his chords from being heard by the two elders long lobed, twittering canals.
"No. I was going to say somebody else..." Ramsay stammered. All the elders turned round expectantly at the same time, eyes waggling in their sockets.
"I....I don't think you've seen her before." Gordon stammered nervously, lungs pumping hard. "I've spoken of her before. It's. Streak."


A/N: it has finally arrived, Streak is now being introduced to the story. You may not know who Streak is...well, she's a teacher from me and one_random_emo's school. She's an elder...and Ramsay's true love in this book. As well as Jonathan's grandma. All this relationship stuff is very confusing so in the next chapter im putting a basic family tree and facts about each elder. I've created s8me very...unique skills for Streak. And...btw....she's on Chappys side. Happy reading!
— From Satan's Sister.
P.s if you haven't already read one_random_emo's story All In The Name of Kemp read it now!We use the same characters (some may vary) so don't hate or accuse of stealing when reading our books. We know each other irl and we're bffs so never get on the wrong side of us. Or else. Hehehe. Be feared my kiddies be feared. Anyway, goodnight.

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