Edward and Kemp(Chapter 7)

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NOTE: This chapter may seem immature/inappropriate. Read at your own risk.

Kemp raced through the forest with Bentley at his heels. He had left Jonathon, Ramsay and Sneezy to keep guard of their makeshift camp. Hector Dog was trying to catch up with the elders, but his stubby legs were too short and he kept tripping over his long, dangling dick. Kemp burst through the bushes of the forest, and came upon Nasuto and Edward, standing in a wide clearing.
"EDWARD. IT IS I, YOUR TRUE LOVE!" Kemp yelled, embracing Edward warmly. Edward wriggled out angrily, his eyes extending out of their sockets and writhing very close to Kemp's face. Kemp misunderstood this facial action, and started caressing Edwards eyes possessively.
"LET GO OF MY HUSBANDS EYE SOCKETS, YOU ENGLISH COCKTAIL." Nasuto raged, pulling Edward and Kemp apart.
"Nasuto. I hoped you wouldn't be here." Kemp said darkly, masturbating angrily.
"Well I am. We dug ourselves out of our hell pits just before Ramsay exploded the Kiddy Academy. We're on our way home. To spend the night together in the bedroom." Nasuto explained, fingering Edward sexually.
"This is making me uncomfortable." Jonathon shrieked. Kemp suddenly remembered that Jonathon had never met Nasuto and Edward before.
"Nasutos always like this. Ignore her sexual actions." Kemp explained. Nasuto roared angrily, lunging at kemp but Kemp's dick slapped her away.
"Watch out breast milk collector - I'm armed with dangerous weapons." Kemp cackled.
"Kemp. Let's talk. Privately." Edward suggested, seducing kemp into the darkness.
"Okay Edwardian. Jonathon, keep Nasuto hostage in your neck." Kemp meowed. In the shadows, Edward whispered happily to kemp.
"Kemp! I do have feelings for you. Nasuto says if I go off with you, she'll find me and seduce me in her belly." Edward confessed.
"Forget about Nasuto. She won't ever find us. If she does...then my genitals and chords are ready for a fight. And, we have Jonathon, Bentley and Ramsay to help." Kemp reassured Edward. The male ear nodded, and walked back into the clearing to see Jonathon confining Nasuto in his ear.
"It sure is comfy In here." Nasuto wriggled around in Jonathan's ear like a bed.
"LITTLE KING JOHN! YOUR MEANT TO BE HARMING HER IN YOUR NECK, NOT GIVING HER A COMFY CANAL BED." Kemp shouted, grabbing Nasuto and dumping her on the ground.
"Oi." Nasuto muttered, standing up and itching her anus as soapy foam begun to form.
"Oh well." Jonathon hissed, stretching his ears and gently caressing his lips.
"Come on elders. We need to kill chaplin. And gather even more help!" Kemp roared, running with Jonathon and the Edwardian Cock back to Bentley, Ramsay, Sneezy and the Hector Dog.
"Edward?!" Bentley yelled, sniffing and meowing Edwards long legged lashes. "Greetings, Bentley." Edward bowed politely, waggling his silvery ears.
"Now, we are all together!" Jonathon rejoiced in happiness.
"No. I'm missing someone." Ramsay hissed angrily.
"WHO IS IT, MY FELINE CAVITY?" Kemp bellowed.
"Don't you remember me telling you my true love?" Ramsay craned his neck over Kemp and fingered his throat violently.
"Streak." He whispered, throat tingling. Everyone gasped, especially Jonathon.
"SHES MY GRANDMOTHER." Jonathon yelled. "She's so Elderly. And she always has a tendency to pop open like a diabetic firework."
"Wait. What pops open?" Bentley moved his head from side to side eagerly.
"Her breasts. They spill out on to innocent children and suction them away." Ramsay explained.
"I wish Rosen was here to see us all together like this." Kemp sighed.
"Who's Rosen?" Sneezy sniffed.
"A dear, beloved elder who sadly sacrificed himself." Jonathon cried.
"Who killed him?"
Everyone turned to Ramsay, their heads waggling in anger.
"I apologise. My Ramsay rocket was heating up into uncontrollable abysses of neck cavity's." Gordon meowed apologetically.
"Anyway, we need to get Streak and discover her popping breasts." Bentley sniffed the air. "I think I can track her spleen smells down."
The elders and two dysfunctional anus dogs, begun tracking down Streaks scents back through the forest. When, suddenly...Rosen's grave appeared. Without his corpse in it.

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