Still getting nightmares

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"Hey Danny," Dick walked over to his little brother.

"Hi Dickie," Danny smiled at him. Dick thought for a second.

"What are you hiding?" He looked at his brother.

"How'd you know?!" Danny gasped at dick.

"I'm your brother and I'm trained by batman," dick crossed his arms satisfied.

"I found a bunny!" Danny said excitedly and dick saw there was a small white bunny with black tipped ears on Danny's lap under the table.

"When and why?!" Dick said surprised.

"Yesterday, and because he looked like he needed a home," Danny smiled sweetly.

"Can we please keep Casper?" Danny said with his infamous big blue doe eyes.

"Casper?" Dick looked at him.

"I found him, I name him," Danny petted the dorf bunny.

"Found and named who?" Bruce walked in.

"Danny found a bunny," dick pointed at the eight year old.

"Rat!" Danny stuck his tongue out at his big brother.

"You found... A bunny?" Bruce looked at the small bunny.

"He needed a home," Danny said with his doe eyes.

"Those eyes won't work forever," Bruce smirked at him.

"I'll use them until that day," Danny smiled goofily.

"Can we go on patrol tonight?" Danny asked.

"I want to come!" Dick raised his hand silently.

"Sure, be the first time we all get out," Bruce smiled at his boys and went tot work as they went to school.


"So how's Danny been doing?" Artemis sat next to dick at school.

"He hasn't gotten his panic attacks lately, and he went on patrol when we dealt with queen bee," dick smiled at her proudly.

"Nice, and batman let's him?" She said quietly.

"He won't let him go out on his own yet, but he's going to be nine in a few days," dick smirked evily.

"Surprise party?" Artemis asked.

"No, bad idea, well bring him to the M. J, and have the party there," dick said proudly.

"Simple but special, nice," Artemis nodded approval.

"Not to loud either to cause him to have an attack or to attack," dick snickered a little.


Danny woke up with a start bolting up straight in his bed covered in sweat and tears.

He was breathing heavily but slowly started to calm down.

He cris crossed on his bed and looked down in his lap. He felt something pawing at his leg and saw Casper and petted his little bunny.

"Don't worry casp, it's just a bad dream, Dickie says they're not real," Danny scratched him behind the ear.

He felt his lip tremble a little and a whimper escaped his lips.

"But it always feels so real," Danny hugged the little bunny close but didn't want to hurt him.

Danny put Casper in a little shoe box and put it on his bed and crawled out of bed and walked down the mansion halls in a t shirt and pajama pants.

He dragged a blanket behind him.

He stopped in front of his brothers doors but remembered he wasn't home because of him and the young justice league where doing something.

He wiped his nose but silently cried as he found his way to Bruce's room.

He quietly opened the door and walked to the bed. He saw it was only 3 in the morning so Bruce was out on patrol a few hours ago.

He crawled on the tall bed and Bruce woke up rubbing his eyes.

"What?" He yawned and saw Danny sitting next to him with his head down.

"Danny? What's the matter?" Bruce asked in dad mode.

"Nothing..." Danny crawled in Bruce's lap and snuggled into his chest.

"Bruce, do the nightmares ever go away?" Danny asked.

"Sometimes," he rubbed the small boys back.

"Have they for you?"

"No..." Bruce hugged Danny.

"What's the matter?" Bruce asked laying Danny down next to him.

"It was just another nightmare, in sorry," Danny snuggled into the blanket he brought with.

"Don't be sorry, Danny never be sorry for having nightmare because of those monsters," Bruce touched the side of Danny's small face and gently rubbed his thumb feeling a small scar on his sons face.

"Ok Bruce... I love you Tati " Danny yawned and fell asleep.

"Good night, I love you too, my son," Bruce smiled at his second son and fell asleep protectively holding Danny's small hand in his.

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