First day of school

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"Do you really think he's ready?" Dick asked Bruce.

"It's a private school, Gotham academy, plus since you go there for high school, he won't be as scared, he'll be fine," Bruce said gently as Danny ran down the stairs in his school uniform and his black bangs everywhere from bed head.

"Danny, hold on," dick smiled at him and brought him to the bath room.

"No... Not the gel stuff!" Danny turned his head.

"Come on Danny, you'll look nicer," dick whined.

"Noooo..." Danny went through the wall cackling as dick fell.

"Danny, you can't use your powers at school," Bruce said to Danny.

"Oh yea," he brushed his bangs to look normal and grabbed his back pack.

It was a black back pack with a bunch of super hero symbols on buttons pinned on it.

Such as, Batman, Robin, Flash and Kid Flash, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis, Red Tornado, and Aqualad.

"Ok I'm ready," Danny smiled.

"You know there's going to be a lot of people there right?" Dick said wearily.

"Yes... No one will hurt me like the guys in white, I can kick all their butts if I wanted too," Danny said like someone told him that.

"Who told you that?" Bruce asked with a smile.

"Wally," Danny smirked back.41


"So I'll walk Danny in since school years already started," Bruce, Danny and dick got out of the car.

"Come find me after school alright, or if you need help or having a panic attack, just tell the teacher and she'll call me and I'll come to you," dick said protectively as he held Danny's hand as they all walked in.

"Okay, thanks Dickie," Danny squeezed his brothers hand as a thank you.

"Dick? Who's this?" A girl with red hair walked up to them.

"This is my blood brother Danny, Danny this is Barbra," dick said and Danny smiled and squeezed dicks hand tighter.

"He's really shy and has social anxiety," he whispered in Barbra's ear.

"Well it's nice to meet you Danny," she smiled at him.

"Dick I'll take Danny from here," Bruce said and dick waved at Danny as they walked away.

"Protective?" Barbra smirked.

"You have no idea," dick smirked back.


"Mr Wayne, this must be my new student Danny," a female teacher smiled at them with her brown hair in a low pony tail and a few grey hairs.

"Hi Danny, I'm Mrs. Watson," she smiled at Danny sweetly.

"H-hi," Danny said back trying to smile.

"Danny!" He heard behind him and saw Tucker.

"Tucker!" They ran and hugged each other.

"Glad he already has friends," Mrs Watson smiled at them.

"I heard he met him at the park," Bruce smiled.

"You weren't there?" She looked at him with an eye brow raised.

"I had work, he was being watched by some friends," Bruce said with a small smile as he looked in and saw Danny talking with Tucker.

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