Secret Revealed

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Danny sat in his room trying to control his powers since he went intangible through a chair... Again...

"Danny you have to be more careful, or mom and dad will find out." Jazz said worried.

"I know, I just don't know how to control it!" Danny said worriedly back.

"Danny? Jazz?" Maddie walked in the room to her children.... Only to see Danny's hand intangible.

"Oh my god, my baby boy," she ran to the youngest member of their family.

"What happened Danny?" She asked frantically as his head went back tangible.

"Nothing..." He said innocently and put his hand behind his back.

"Daniel James Grayson-Fenton, what happened?" Maddie grabbed him by the shoulder.

"A month ago I was playing in the lab downstairs and some stuff spilt on me and it kinda hurt ...not whelmed at all...and then I got some nifty powers." Danny explained.

"Whelmed? That's not a word," Jazz said. "What does it even mean?"

"I don't know, your not overwhelmed not underwhelmed, just whelmed." the five year old said.

"Anyways... Danny let's get some test done to see if it's safe," Maddie picked him up and jazz followed to the basement.

"Hey Mads, is everything alright?" Jack walked down.

"I don't know jack, Danny had ghost DNA in his system and possible have ghost abilities." Maddie said as she put Danny on a table.

"Can you show me what you can do Danny?" Maddie asked and let twin halos go up and down his body showing his ghost form.

"Oh my." Maddie gasped and Jack looked at him shocked.

"Mami, please don't hate me..." He said sadly and turned back to normal.5

"Danny we would never hate you, we want to help you." Maddie picked up the phone.

"Why?" Danny asked cocking his head to the side.

"Because we don't know if you being half ghost is healthy," she dialed a number.

"Hello? Guys in white? Yes I have a situation, my son is possibly half ghost... There's a name for that? A halfa?" She talked through the phone.

"Mom! What are you doing?" Jazz asked worried.

"Maddie, those guys could hurt him more than help his condition." Jack warned.

"Jack, they're going to fix him, bring him back to normal." Maddie said.

"That's a great idea, but will it hurt him?" Jack asked.

"I'll tell them that to be nice about it." Maddie smiled warmly.

"No I don't want my powers taken away! I could be a super hero! I could help people." Danny said wanting to cry.

"This is for your own good son." Jack told him.

There was a knock at the door and Danny and Jazz hugged each other.

"Mr and Mrs Fenton? Are you with the halfa?" A guy in white agent asked.

"Yes, but he's only a little boy so be kind about it please." Maddie smiled.

"No can do miss, we would have to take him in for experiments, ghost don't feel pain so he won't feel a thing, you two are supernatural scientist you should know this." The agent said and one grabbed Danny's arm.

"No! He's only half ghost!" Maddie gasped.7

"Please step aside." the agent pulls out a gun.

"Your not leaving with my son." Jack stepped in.

A gun shot ran out.


Jacks dead corpse hit the ground with a bullet through the head.

"Tati! No! De ce toată lumea doresc să-l omoare familia mea!?" (Why does everyone want to kill my family) Danny yelled.

"You monster!! Why would you kill him!?" Maddie screamed and pulled Danny back and Jazz.

"Halfas are the rarest ghost that have walked the earth, there's only one other, we will eliminate who ever is in our way." he raised the gun to jazz and Maddie.

"Please spare my children!" Maddie cried.

"Your not going to touch my brother!" Jazz yelled holding Danny in her arms who was crying.

"It's only business." Two more gun shots.10

"NO!!" Danny screamed and unleashed a small wave from his mouth pushing the agents back.

Danny ran out of the basement sobbing and out of the house as the agents chased after him. He was shot down by a net and continued to sob.

"P-please, don't hurt me." He cried and hiccuped between sobs.

"Shut up ghost scum." They dragged him away ignoring his screamed and cries and pleading.

"DICKIE!!!" Danny screamed as he was loaded into a cage in a white van.

"Lights out brat." the agent electrocuted the cage.

Danny screamed in pain and passed out.


Dick woke up with a start in his head from a strange dream. The thing was, it wasn't a dream.

All he heard in his sleep was a voice screaming.

"DICKIE!!!" Someone screamed.

"I miss you little brother." dick said unaware of the cry for help was real.

So he went back to bed desperately missing his little brother.

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