Chapter 13

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It was night by the time the Winchesters pulled up to the farmhouse in Ohio where Austin Reynolds lived. Dean and Faith sat up front, each of them avoiding the two in the backseat. Sam and Cass weren't completely oblivious. They knew something was up with the two oldest Winchesters, but decided not to push it. Tonight, they needed to be focused, otherwise they would lose their chance against Cain.

The four of them got out of the car, Cass disappearing to make sure the kid was actually here. Sam and Dean leaned against the back of the Impala while Faith nervously paced a couple yards away by the tree line. Sam assumed it was because she was nervous since she knew she was Cain's reincarnated daughter. Dean knew otherwise—she didn't want to risk losing control in front of Sam and Cass. Cass returned shortly, his eyes on Faith.

"Kid here," Dean asked him.

"He's nearby," Cass answered, "upstairs in the barn. He's playing with a basketball." Dean sighed as Faith walked over slowly to join them.

"Cain will strike soon," Dean told Sam, "maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, but soon. And when he does—"

"Yeah, I got it," Sam cut him off, "you charge in with the Blade solo." Dean shifted on his feet, staring at the ground.

"And the kid," Sam asked, "what, we just watch and wait until Cain attacks? I thought this was a rescue mission."

"We save the kid after Cain shows," Dean told his brother.

"We know what Cain's after," Cass added, "that's our only advantage. We want to trap Cain, we use it."

"A 12-year-old as bait," Sam exclaimed, "I can't believe what I'm hearing."

"Neither can I," Crowley's voice sounded behind them. The King of Hell walked out of the shadows to reveal himself, Dean glaring at him.

"What's the matter, Crowley, you suddenly grow a conscious," Dean asked him, "too good to put a minor in danger?"

"Don't give a damn about the kid," Crowley admitted, "I'm talking about the risk to us."

"There is no us," Dean said firmly, "you're here for one reason and that's to give me the Blade."

"Yeah, about that," Crowley lingered, "seeing as this is shaping up to be one of those two-step-capture-then-kill kind of deals, I think your buddies would agree that it's better to keep the Blade out of your hands until we've got Cain sewn up, just to be safe." Sam and Cass nodded, but Dean looked to his sister who had been unusually quiet.

"It's up to you," she said quietly, her eyes on her brother. Dean sighed and nodded his head in agreement.

"Now, this backup plan of yours," Crowley asked.

"I'm the backup plan," Faith snapped at him.

Crowley raised his eyebrow, "you? Darling, you can't even lift a feather right now, no offense. Why the bloody hell would you be the backup plan?"

"I'm Cain's reincarnated daughter," she seethed, "that is enough of an advantage to surprise him long enough for Dean to move in and kill him."

"Faith," Sam had a confused look on his face, but his sister paid no attention to it.

"Just trust me for once, Sam," she snapped, "Dean trusts me. Why can't you?"

Sam sighed in defeat, knowing he couldn't change his sister's mind. Faith walked away from the four of them towards to barn to keep an eye on the kid.

Austin was playing basketball in the barn by himself, completely unaware of the danger that faces him tonight. It was unfair that Cain decided he would be the one to execute those of his bloodline, even if they weren't coldblooded killers. Through her old set of talents, Faith could hear Sam and Dean talking quietly in the room beside the barn. She could also hear Crowley and Castiel arguing out by the Impala.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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