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Hannah: hey babies
Chloe: hello there
Shani: I'm so happy atm
Olivia: cause of that joe dude?
Leah: yeah OMG I can't believe you've pulled joe Sugg!!
Stacey: heyyyyy
Shani: I know I still can't believe I went on a date with him!
Leah: lucky bitch
Chloe: rude
Hannah: yeah wtf Leah?
Olivia: but rude
Shani: urm?
Stacey: wtf Leah?
Leah: uhh just shut the fuck up all of you
Hannah: ???
Leah: shut up
Leah: bitches
Olivia: calm down shani
Stacey: nah that's rude af
Hannah: leave the group now
Leah: why should I?
Shani:cause you're being mean af
Olivia: bye bye
Shani removed Leah from the group
Hannah: well that was wired
Shani: I know like wtf!
Stacey: she's so rude
Chloe: didn't like her from day one
Stacey: anyway...
Shani: oh yeah, girls should I add the one and only zoella?!
Chloe: yes OMG!
Olivia: I love her
Stacey: same!
Shani added Zoe to the group
Zoe: hey?
Shani: hey Zoe I've added you to the girls group I hope you don't mind
Zoe: ahh that's fine! Hey girls x
Stacey: hey!
Olivia: hello!
Zoe: what's your names?
Shani: I'm shani you should know that😂😅
Stacey: Stacey x
Olivia: Olivia x
Chloe: Chloe
Hannah: Hannah
Shani: and there was Leah but she was a bit rude so she went x
Zoe: ahh okay, anyway shani when you coming home we need to meet up!
Shani: me and joe are flying back tomorrow our planes at 10am
Hannah: you and joe are cute
Chloe: couple goals
Stacey: me and Caspar though!!
Shani: what!
Zoe: you're with Caspar, caspar lee?
Hannah: omg!
Stacey: maybe😌
Shani: congrats! Wait have you even met yet?
Stacey: no but we're meeting tomorrow x
Shani: and no me and joe are not dating
Zoe: not yet anyway
Shani: ZOE!
Hannah: what she's right you two would be so cute
Zoe: see someone agrees with me
Olivia: and me
Zoe: that makes 3 of us that think you and joe should get together
Shani: ugh I don't know I mean I like him a lot but I don't know if he feels the same way...
Zoe: ARE YOU SERIOUS! Have you seen the way he looks at you, he's deeply in love with you and has been for 5 years
Hannah: 5 years??
Zoe: 5 years!
Olivia: woah that's a long time
Chloe: ^
Shani: wait he loves me?
Zoe: yes! How have you not figured it out yet?
Shani: I don't know
Hannah: you two need to get together
Zoe: agreed
Chloe: you would be so goals
Shani: I guess we would
Olivia: eekkk please get together
Chloe: yes yes yes
Hannah: aghhh
Zoe: whoops look what I've started😂
Shani: I'm really picky though
Zoe: in what way?
Shani: I like the boy to make the first move
Zoe: he will soon
Shani: promise?
Zoe: promise
Olivia: goals already goals
Hannah: plus you will get to see Zoe that is a big bonus
Chloe: please date!
Shani: okay, okay!
Zoe: anyway shani when we meeting?
Shani: Monday?
Zoe: sounds good, joe is coming round then so I'll get him to bring you x
Shani: okay what are we going to do
Zoe: we can go out for a girly day and leave the boys at home
Shani: sounds good!
Zoe: okay Monday at mine at 10am?
Shani: yeah x
Zoe: see you then, does joe know where you live?
Shani: yeah, see you soon x
Zoe: I love you x
Shani: I love you too x

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