Rebellion (Preference)

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The first time he ever rebelled against you and Woody is when you left him alone for the first time. You were pregnant with Eden and Woody had taken you out to eat because it would be the last time you went out until Eden came. Travis called some of his friends over-- even though you made it clear that absolutely no company was to be over-- and turns out the little BeBe Kids ruined the house and ate up damn near all the food. When you came back unexpectedly, Travis damn near shitted himself while his friends left him.

Let's just say due to your screaming, Eden came a little early.


Your little angel! Until it was her uncle's turn to watch her. Elijah- who wife was pregnant at the time- and Bryshere, who have no kids, watched her while you and Woody took Travis to his basketball game. "Mommy and daddy is going to be back okay? Be good for uncle Eli and Bry." Woody picked her up and kissed her cheeks. Eden giggled and nodded, until the door closed. She ran into her room while Elijah looked at Bryshere "This is going to be easy, she's like what? Three?" Eden came around the corner with some markers and paper, the men didn't think nothing of it while watching the game. Eden was getting artsy until Bryshere turned around, "EDEN NO!" Blue, red and damn near every color of the rainbow was on the sofa. Your white sofa.

Eden ran and dragged the markers on the wall as Elijah and Bryshere chased after her. The next two hours was spent trying to clean everything before you came back.

Let's just say when you did, everybody found out how crazy you really could get.


She's like one, the only rebellious thing she did was wake up while you and Woody was getting your freak on.


He doesn't like Woody. Like at all. Everytime Woody tries to change him, he either gets peed on or Cameron pee again after he is changed. Then when it's time to eat, he makes a big mess for Woody to clean up. He loves his mama though!

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