15. Just Let It Die With No Goodbyes, Details Dont Matter, We Both Paid

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AN: Suprise this chapter is in Craig's POV 😇


Enjoy x
Craig's POV

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I sat in my bed at home staring at the ceiling thinking about the past few days. I saw Stan with Tweek wrapped in his arms today when we were eating lunch. It pissed me off. I know everyone is scared that Thomas being back is going to repeat history. It's not. He's not the same as he was. His Tourette's is still there, but he seemed much calmer now.

I love Tweek to much to do that to him. Thomas keeps talking to me about how much he regrets even getting with me back when we were younger. Apparently, he has a thing for Christophe now. I'm glad things aren't as bad as I thought. The only issue is that Tweek isn't talking to me. All because of stupid fucking Marsh. I don't understand why Kyle doesn't stop being such a pussy and just confess to him already. His confusion is fucking me over too.

Token told me I had no reason to be upset over Tweek talking to Stan. The issue is that I am. I've waited six years for Tweek to come back to South Park. I wouldn't do anything to mess up my chances. Seeing him wrapped in another guy's arms really hurt. I can't imagine how he feels now that Thomas is back. Especially after that little stunt, he pulled with Butters and Kenny at their party.

I still remember how he made me feel the first time I saw him.

We were on the playground in elementary school. Many of the kids never really wanted to play with Tweek since he twitched a lot. The guys and I never found that to be a problem.

We were playing tag and I needed an extra person on my team and I saw him on the swing set alone.

~ Flashback ~

"Guys we need another player it's not fair that You're group has four against us three" Clyde crossed his arms as he pouted.

"Okay, you big fucking crybaby. Go find someone else fast before we just find something else to do" Cartman rolled his eyes.

"Wait. Clyde, I'll get someone you stay here. You'll probably just get distracted and Token would pick someone to nerdy to even be able to handle the pressure" I said.

I wandered the playground in search of someone. That's when I saw a blonde haired boy sitting on the ugly swings alone. Our playground had two swing sets one by all the other fun things and then there was the old rusty one out by the fence on the other side of the entire field.

"He was the kid that Cartman and his friends made me fight," I thought to myself. He put up a pretty good fight since we both ended up in the hospital that day. I think his name was Twink. Funny name for a kid to be honest. Maybe he liked watching a lot of gay porn. Not that I watched gay porn! I heard some of the sixth graders talk about that before while walking out of school.

I approached the twitching boy. I felt bad that no one hardly talked to him. He seemed like such a cool dude.

He was different. I liked that for some reason.

"Hey, do you wanna play tag with some of the guys and I?" I asked.

He looked up wide eyed that I even wanted to talk to him without wanting to make fun of him. He seemed shocked and that made me feel sad for him.

"Is that a yes?" I smiled. I never smiled for anyone, but for some reason he just made me feel weird.

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