Ch 10: What happens in Russia will not stay in Russia

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" ladies and Gentelmen, Welcome to the U.S.S.R." Rip said turning in his chair.

"Nope. No thank you. Never wanna go back there. Turn it around" Felicity said.

"America is so much better. Boo Russia! Yay America!" Thea cheered.

"Speedy shut up" Oliver said with a grin.

"No way! My supersuit is red for America! USA! USA! We have popcorn!" Thea cheered popcorn falling onto everyone except for The Meta's who used their powers to deflect the avalanche of snack food.

"Thea honestly." Moira scolded her daughter brushing the snack food off her.

Thea stuck her tongue out in response and laughed as Roy kissed her temple in pride.

"Anna are you okay?" Felicity asked the girl who was under a pile of popcorn.

"Hahahaha I'm a popcorn muffin" Anna said.

"Have you been drinking?" Felicity questioned.

"Nooo" Anna said kicking the numerous liquor bottles under her chair as she spoke. She missed Ray so much. Seeing him so happy without her hurt like she couldn't believe. She was happy that he wasn't still depressed about it but still. It was too many emotions for her to take in at once. So she decided to get wasted to make it more bearable.

"If it were up to me, they would revoke your pilot's license." Martin said walking in the room a binder in his hand.

"Who would revoke a pilot's license for a Time ship?" Barry wondered.

"The same people who Rip stole the ship from?" Kara guessed.

" wouldn't his pilot's license get revoked because of that?" Caitlin wondered aloud.

"Lisa what do you think?" Cisco questioned. She was an expert thief after all.

"Hmm well I suppose yes since they know it was him who took the ship" Lisa mused.

"Smart is sexy" Cisco whispered to her giving her a quick kiss. The female Reciprocating immediately.

""They" are more than welcome to, considering I don't have one." Rip said rubbing his head.

"Hey we were right!" Caitlin cheered.

"Hell yes we were" Ronnie grinned.

Barry and Kara high fived and Iris glared her mouth still duct taped.

Clarity arched a brow. "Well that explains why you need the roller coaster straps on these chairs." She said

"Roller coaster straps? Oh wait. Someone call Disneyworld! This would be one sick ride" Cisco said.

"Or six flags" Thea suggested.

"They'd work too. But Disney would totally trademark the spaceship thing" Cisco said.

"Correction. That's why there's another pilot" Snart said alluding to Gideon a devilish smirk on his lips.

"Oh that was a cold burn" Barry said shaking his head.

"Aaaw is Barry star struck?" Kara asked teasingly making a kissy face at him.

"W-what? I am not! Shut up!" Barry told her.

"Oh I don't know Barry that smirk is very attractive wouldn't you say?" Caitlin chided.

"Caitlin I'm not-I don't- would you all quit-gah Supergirl! What the hell?" Barry asked as he was hit in the head once again.

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