Ch 2 watching the decision

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Fourth recruit Clarity Springs AKA: the Glitch.

"Hey wait fourth? Why are we starting with Clarity? Shouldn't we be starting at whoever 1 is?" Thea asked.

"Oh I forgot to mention this story mostly follows Clarity" Gideon said.

"I thought you said this was about the legends?" Laurel questioned a bit pissed that the computer missed that tad bit of info.

"Clarity is a legend and it does follow the other legends as well. It just mainly focuses on Clarity. The legends all felt that it was necessary for it to focus on her. She is an integral part to the legends team" Gideon said a certain defense entering her tone as she glared at Laurel daring her to comment against Clarity again.

"I'm sure you'll see plenty of your sister" Alex told her knowingly.

Laurel smiled. "I hope so"

Electricity crackled through the air as it seemingly bounced from roof to roof. To an ordinary person it would look as if lightning had come alive. But to a select few such as teams flash and arrow inside the flash of lightning was a person. A woman named Clarity Springs or as Cisco Ramon had named her the Glitch.

"Haha yeah that's right! That's my glitch! It's an awesome name! I know! Hold the applause!" Cisco cheered.

"Cisco we all know you come up with the names. Now shh!" Caitlyn said throwing a piece of popcorn at him. Cisco merely caught it in his mouth.

"i hope you taste the product ramon. That was in her hair" Harry told him.

Cisco made a face as he swallowed. Glaring at Caitlyn.

"see your special vibe. You got mentioned and we're not even two minutes into the film yet" Lisa purred.

"i know woman i know. Chill...." Cisco whispered to her blushing slightly at her compliment. Cisco was glad it was dark in here so she couldn't see.

"that's more lenny's thing than mine. I like a little spotlight Cisco" She told him stealing more of his popcorn.

"Supergirl!" Cat called.

"yes, Ms Grant?" Kara asked her with a sigh as Alex giggled with Laurel.

"This "Glitch" reminds me of Livewire. If she pops out of the screen I demand that you protect me" Cat told her.

"O-okay" Kara said though she was confused. This was a recording. Cat grant knew this. Maybe being held captive by livewire hurt her more than she let on.

Little did the woman know as she teleported around that she was being watched from above by a man in a long brown trench coat. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and just a bit of scruff on his chin. He watched the girl intently as she drained the electricity from the power plant that was about to go nuclear. Finally the lightning died down and Glitch put her hand to her ear.

"Who the hell is that?" Barry asked sitting up. There was a guy in a trench coat lurking around central city now? Great just great.

"Relax Barry. It's probably just Rip Hunter" Oliver assured ever the calming voice of the group.

"How'd you know that?" Caitlyn asked him.

"Ray told me that was the name of the guy that recruited them" Oliver answered.

Caitlyn nodded feeling that was a sufficent answer.

Watching the legends glitching through timeWhere stories live. Discover now