Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


"Have you completely forgiven me for nearly killing you?" Tris asks, her voice cracking at every syllable. She seems reluctant to ask.

Will's expression tells his answer before he starts to speak, "Tris, of course I forgive you. I mean I was about to kill you and you only shot my hand. The real question here is, do you forgive me for possibly being the one to kill your mom?"

I can see Tris' eyes become glossy, and can tell she is holding back tears. Her face is contorted with a million emotions, so I can't tell what's running her head, but I expect it has something to do with her mom

Silence falls over the room for a few seconds before Tris replies, "I don't know."

As soon as the last word escapes her mouth, she quickly gets up and rushes out the door. Instinctively, I get up from the floor and start after Tris. Nothing else runs through my mind except for comforting her.

As I turn around corners I find her trudging down the hallway, sobbing. I try to run after her, but she is too quick and rushes around the corner. When I turn though, she is no longer in the hallway and I can't hear footsteps or crying.

I rush through the hallway and look down both turns. Tris isn't down either one of them. I let out a strangled grunt through my teeth. My fists are clenched and the muscles in my face begin to contort with frustration.

Why does Tris always leave when she shows any sort of emotion? She believes she has to be strong twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. She has a brave face on front of everyone. I partly admire her need to be strong, but the other part of me wants her to know that I unconditionally love her, and that she can be herself around me and her friends. Everyone will still love her even if she shows a little emotion, right.

I stride down the corridors, searching for any sign of Tris, when a thought pops into my mind.

Our apartment - I'm still getting used to saying our apartment.

I then start make my way towards the apartment. After only a few minutes, I reach the door which I see is half-way open. I peek my head around the corner to see Tris talking to a women. I hear footsteps behind me, but don't process them, curious as to who Tris is talking to. The woman has small, dark, angular eyes and straight black hair streaked with gray. She has a tattoo of a white hawk with red-eyes on the back of her neck and a tattoo of a river on her arm.

I stand in a state of utter shock as I quickly recognize the women talking to Tris in a hushed tone.



(This starts after Tris walks into the apartment and sees Tori. Tobias hasn't come yet.)


My body tightens as Tori looks up at me. She has a concerned look on her face, but it quickly goes away when she sees my body language. My tears begin to stop running, and my sadness is replaced with shock.

"Hello," Tori says, monotonously.

My mind spins with questions. How is Tori alive? Wasn't she shot in the ambush on the way here? Has she met George yet?

I am pulled out of my thoughts as Tori speaks up again, "Hi Tris, how are you?"

Suddenly, rage overcomes my body and I stomp over to where she stands.

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