Chapter 7

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All rights go to the amazing Veronica Roth who wrote the Divergent series. I do not own any of the characters in this story. (Right now 😉)


Chapter 7


My body processes Will's words before my brain does. I lunge myself toward him and press his body against the wall, my forearm pressed up against his neck. He gasps for air, but I won't budge. I feel hands trying to pull me away, and after a few seconds of trying to resist, they succeed and get a hold of me.

I can tell it's Tobias because his strong arms pull me into a hug and he leads me out of the room. I collapse into his arms and sob into his chest. He tries to soothe me with his words but they only make me angrier. Tobias must realize this, so he settles on rubbing the small of my back and holding my head. I am grateful for the silence.

After a few minutes, I decide to speak up," Do you really think he did it? Do you think he killed my mom?"

Tobias wipes a tear off my check with his thumb and says," I don't think we will ever know. But you have to forgive him even, if he did Tris, he was under the simulation."

Anger builds up in me like a raging fire. I back away from Tobias and say, "He could have been the one to kill my mom, Four. How could you even-" I'm cut off my Tobias yelling at me.

"Don't use that name as a weapon against me."

We turn away from each other and walk separate ways. I know Tobias and he knows me. Right now, we both need to be alone and cool off.

As I hear Tobias' footsteps fade, I start to sob. Could Will really have killed my mother? Could one if my only friends killed one of my only family members?
The thought send a shiver down my spine. It feels like ice.

As I turn around a corner to go down a different hallway, I hear voices. The voices sound familiar, but I can't quite make them out.

I peek my head around the corner to get a better glimpse at who is talking.


She is talking to a young boy with black, shaggy hair and cold, grey eyes. He is as pale as a ghost. On his right hand, I notice a tattoo of an hourglass with an eye on one side and flames on the other.

I finally seem to make out there conversation.

"...they think that I lost my memory when the serum went off. Little do they know, I am a pretty good liar." Nita says.

My mouth opens and my jaw drops. I must have made some noise, because Nita turned her head in my direction.

Her stunned face is the last thing I see before I'm hit in the head with something hard, and blackness engulfs me.



"Don't use that name as a weapon against me." I say. A sudden rush of heat rises in my body. I turn away from Tris, and start to trudge down the hallway.

I honestly don't know what came over me. Whenever she uses that name, she uses it to put me down. But all it does is put me back into instructor mode.

I'm walking so fast, I can hear my shoes squeak on the sleek floor. My head pounds with every footstep, just as it does every time I get mad.

I just can't stand it when Tris is angry with me. I don't even remember what we were talking about when she became angry. A million thoughts run through my head trying to remember our conversation. I stop walking when I remember.

Will might have killed Tris' mom.

Before I know it, I am running back to the dorms. When I finally make it there, I see Will sitting on one of the beds. His eyes widen when he sees me standing in the doorway.

I walk up to him and punch him square in the nose. He lets out a loud groan and collapses back onto the bed while clutching his now bloody nose.

Cristina and Cara both scream out, while I hear Zeke laughing. When I turn around, I see Cristina stomp on Zeke's foot and slap him.

I turn and walk back out the door.

I need to find Tris.

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