Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


I expect a look of shock is spread across my face as soon as I relieve who the person who kidnapped Tris is. My mind exploded with anger and I feel like punching the screen. I settle with punching the wall, and a hole the size of a ball is now in the wall.


But I shot him in the head, how could he be alive?

And he kidnapped Tris, my Tris. He is going to pay for what he did.

My mind quickly drifts to another thought.


I know where she is.

I give Matthew a quick thank you, and run out of the room. I go back to the dorm where I find Cristina, Will, and Uriah sitting on their beds talking.

I dart into the room and all three turn around to look at me.

"I know where she is," I start, out of breath,"I know where Tris is."

Cristina jumps up off of the bed and gives me a huge hug. When she pulls away I see a huge smile spread across her face.

"Where is she?" Cristina asks.

I start to explain everything. Eric, the monitor, and Dauntless compound.

Cristina, Will, and Uriah all look at me with confused expressions.

"Eric's alive?" Uriah is the first to break the silence.

"Yes," I say, "but I don't know how. All I know is that if we are going to save Tris, we need to go back to Chicago now."



When I wake up, I am in the same room. Although, this time the lights are on. I use this time to take in my surroundings and try to figure out where I am.

There is graffiti written all over the walls and pipes are exposed through the walls. Fluorescent lights covered with plastic tubes are all over the room. As I turn my head to my right, the word Dauntless spray painted on one of the walls. The smell of sweat fills the room and makes me gag.

I automatically know where I am and start to panic.

The Fear Landscape Room.

My palms become sweaty and I can feel beads of sweat start to form on my forehead.

What if Eric decides to put me through my fear landscape so he knows how to hurt the most?

I feel like someone is watching me.

Before I can think of anything else, someone comes into the room.


She walks into the room and stares at me with pity. A wicked smiles creeps it's way onto her face. She walks right up to me and slaps my face.

I'm getting used to this. My face must be purple with bruises all over it. Eric has given me his fair share of beatings.

Nita then starts to speak, "I've been waiting to do that for a while. Didn't feel as good as I thought." She casually says.

"What do you want?" I ask her. My voice still sounds like there is a frog in my throat. The foreign voice doesn't sound anything like mine.

"Well since you know that I still have my memory, you have two choices," Nita begins, "you can either die,Eric already volunteered to execute you, or we can erase your memory and we can all pretend that this didn't happen."

My heart nearly stops beating. The thought of never being able to see my Tobias again makes a tear run down my cheek. I have to hold it in. She can't she that I am weak.

A sudden thought makes it's way into my mind.

Divergents can resist the serum.

Relief floods my entire body. I resisted the memory serum once, so I can resist it again.

I can use this to my advantage. I can't believe Nita doesn't know that I can resist the memory serum.

"What's your decision Tris?" Nita asks, her voice filled with hatred and aggression towards me.

"Memory serum." I say, in a monotone voice.

Nita begins to laugh, "Did you really think that I wouldn't know that you could resist the memory serum?"

I suddenly become enraged and fight to get up from the chair. The restraints are strong, but it doesn't stop me from trying.

Nita starts chuckle again, "Your execution will occur tomorrow, Prior. But first, you are going to go through your fear landscape one last time.

And with that, she trudges out of the room.


All rights go to Veronica Roth!!

I will update when I receive 100 reads!!





Thank you!!

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