|Chapter 18| Happy Endings

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Everyone sat in a circle in the sun, your hand was laced in Eddie's.
"I can only remember parts"Bev began, "but.....I thought it was dead, that's what it felt like. I saw us, all of us together, back here...but we were older, our parents age I guess."
"W-W-What where we all doing here?"Bill asked
"I just remember how we felt, how scared we were, I don't think I can ever forget that...."Bev mumbled
You all stayed quiet until Bill grabbed a piece of glass from the ground.
"Swear it. S-S-Swear that if it isn't dead, if it ever comes back....we'll come back too"Bill pushed
Each of the losers stood up scared of the pain but promising to end it once and for all, Bill cut palms with the glass, his first. Then Richie who flailed his arm beside you, the glass hurt as it cut into your hand, palms bleeding you muttered curses beneath your breath, Eddie smiled to you as he was cut, heart rate monitor beeping to show his pain. Mike, Stan and Ben winced in silence but Bev showed no pain. The circle then held hands for a moment then dropping.
"I gotta go"Stan mumbled his head bandaged incredibly, "I hate you."
His stern face cracked into a smile and everyone laughed for a moment.
"Il see you later"
"Bye Stan."
"See you guys..."Eddie smiled
You left with him, hand in hand.
"Hey Richie! I'll see you at home okay!"You lifted your hand up smiling to the group behind you as Eddie walked you off into town
"I'm so relieved that your still alive"You exhaled
"I'm so happy you are too."Eddie smiled as he walked you all the way to his house
Into the hallway, past his mum who didn't detest in your presence anymore, not since Eddie told her she had to stop talking bullshit, stop ordering him around or in his words, 'stop telling me that my friends suck, that I can't date the most amazing girl I've ever met, that these bullshit gazebos are mandatory for my wellbeing! I don't want you picking on my friends anymore and I want you to get used to (Y/N) because she's my lover, and she will always be!'
You walked up to his room where you'd just hang out and talk most of the time, he was your loser and you were his lover, even Richie said you were the perfect pair whenever he came over with you, sometimes Eddie visited your house too. And yeah you would never leave eachother, you were soulmates and one day the Germaphobic Wheezy boy you loved would marry you. You loved him, he loved you and everyone loved the both of you together. You and Eddie were perfect for eachother....

-Chapter 18
Word count: 477
Date Written: 5-11-17
What do you guys all think?
Also sorry for the late update (I ran out of data, but yay for free wifi at maccas) and thankyou for reading this <3

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