|Chapter 5| Pharmacy Distractions

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Carefully you all rode your bikes away only to hear Patrick's scream echoing quietly.
"I think it's great that we're helping the new kid but we also need to think of our own safety, I mean he's bleeding all over and you guys know there's an AIDS apedemic going on right now as we speak now right? I mean my mums friend in New York City got it just by touching a dirty pole in the city right and the AIDS got into her hand. And we will have to amputate legs and arms and- b-but-"
"Eddie calm down"You mumbled as you sat your bike against the wall watching Stanly sit his up properly as the others threw theirs down
"Richie wait here, come on"Bill mumbled
"Glad I got to meet you before you died"Richie looked down as you all ran off
The two in an awkward silence as you pushed into the pharmacy door.
"Can we afford all of this? It's all we got"Stan mumbled
"Shit and I don't have any money on me either"You mumbled looking to Eddie and Stan
"We can't"Eddie worried
"Wait you have an account here don't you?"Bill asked
"If my mum finds out I bought all this stuff for myself I'll spend the whole rest of the weekend in the emergency room getting x-rayed."Eddie mumbled
"Gods"You whispered
That's when you saw Beverly in another isle.
"See ya later dad"
"See you later Greta"
You watched Beverly run past an isle into yours hiding something behind her back.
"Y-you okay?"Bill asked
"I'm fine, what's wrong with you?"She worried
"None of your business"Stan answered as Eddie dropped a box
You leaned down grabbing it quickly.
"There's a kid outside looks like somebody killed him"Eddie answered her
"W-W-We need some S-S-S-supplies but we don't have enough money"Bill shrugged
Beverly smiled before walking up to the counter.
"I like your glasses"She said sliding the box onto the counter, "you look just like Clark Kent"
"I don't know about that"The man laughed
"Can I try them?"She asked
She slid them on slowly, "what do you think?"
"Well how about that you look just like Louis Lane"
"Really?" Beverly asked obviously trying hard not to gag, "Well here you go"
The stand on the counter fell as she pushed it down.
"Shoot I'm so sorry..."Bev sighed
"It's okay"
She looked back as you began to push the boys from the pharmacist, Eddie knocking stuff down as you urged him to continue.

-Chapter 5-
Word count: 438
Date Written: 5-11-17

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