|Chapter 12| Horror Attraction

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"Bill!"Bev called as you threw bikes, "you can't go in there this is crazy!!"
"You don't have to come in....W-What happens when another Georgie goes missing, or another Betty, or another Ed or-or one of us- are you just going to pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this fucking town...? Because I can't!"Bill cried, "I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there, his clothes his toys, his stupid stuffed animals but- he isn't... so walking into this house for me it's easier than walking into my home"
"Wow"Richie gaped
"He didn't stutter once."
You looked to Eddie before walking up the stairs.
"Wait! I-I'm shouldn't we have some people keep watch...?"Stan asked, "you know just in case something bad happens?"
"W-Who wants to stay out here?"Bill asked
All the boys put their hands up before awkwardly putting them down.
"F-Fuck"Richie mumbled
"Can't believe I pulled a short straw, you guys are lucky we're not measuring dicks"
"S-Shut up Richie"Eddie mumbled, "I candle death"
"Don't breathe through your mouth."
"H-How come?"
"Cause then your eating it"
On cue Eddie gagged, his inhaler dashing to his mouth.
"Why did you do that?"He whispered as Richie walked off
"I needed to in case I died."
"And you what? Thought it was cool to use me as your kissing practice?"Eddie cried
"I'd only kiss someone I liked"Your voice faded out when you saw Richie's face
"What?"Bill asked
"I-It says I'm missing"
"Y-Your not missing Richie"Bill pushed
"Born in the city of Derry, that's my shirt, that's my hair, that's my face, THATS MY NAME THATS MY AGE! That's the date!!!"You teared up as you saw your idiot brother so afraid he was shaking violently
"Richie your not missing!"Bill tossed the sheet
You cried beside Eddie who's hands were clasped over his mouth.
"Calm down, calm down, look at my Richie look at me!"Bill grabbed his hands, "this isn't real it's playing tricks on you!"
A noise came from upstairs pulling your attention to a sobbing girl, you rubbed your eyes as you followed the group upstairs.
"Betty.."Bill mumbled
Ripsom?"Richie gaped before she was pulled off screaming
The group moved forward slowly, before you reached the door you turned back to Eddie who was stumbling for his puffer.
"She was just here where the fuck did she go?"Richie asked
"Oh god"
You watched a door open as the door between Eddie and the boys closed, you slid through it as it closed Eddie screaming at the door.
"E-Eddie"You whimpered
"AHHH WHAT THE FUCK!"Eddie screamed as the floor opened
"B-Bill, R-Richie!"You screamed
"Time to take your pill Eddie"
You watched Eddie turn in fear, unable to get to him you watched him become weak beginning to floor. That's when you jumped grabbing him and once again wincing as you hit you floor, falling through a table. Eddie looked at you, beeping coming from his wrist.
"Eddie open the door!"Bill called
"Eddie I'm here okay- o-okay I'm in right here..."You breathed heavily, horrified
That's when you heard your own voice screaming for help in another room, Eddie breathed as he got up.
"Shit your arm E-Ed.."
"W-Wait what-"Eddie stumbled up
"What the fuck"you hissed
Eddie shook you madly.
"You- your It aren't you! Stop hurting her you asshole!!"He screamed in fury pulling himself off of you only for IT to twist from the cupboard in front of you
"Time to float~"
Eddie stumbled back in shock looking to you.
"I c-can't lose you now"He whispered, barely audible as you both shuffled back
"You wont"You whispered
It moved forward in jerky movements, your heart pounded as you screamed in fear, It grabbing your foot laughing, miming Eddie's sobbing face behind you as he yanked you up into the air his mouth approaching your foot..

-Chapter 12-
Word count: 711
Date Written: 5-11-17

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