The Epilogue: Parent Meeting

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Part TWO

Black Hat's POV.

"Black Hat! What is wrong with you? Yelling at your younger brother like that is inconceivable!" "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." I told my dad. He grunts and starts to complain more. "It's very rude! Yelling like that in front of guests and family! Hey- don't you roll your eyes at me young man!" I got tired of his complaints and told my dad to back off. "Look, dad, this is my house remember? I can do what I want. Besides, I told White Hat if he touched my stuff again, from the last time he was here, I would tear out his eye! Again!" Dad only looks at me with suspicion. "What do you mean, your stuff? Dr. Flug is not yours, is he?" Without thinking I blurted out, "He is so! Dr. Flug is my property!" Dad asked me once more, "What do you mean?" I played it cool, making sure I didn't look nervous. "I mean, Dr. Flug is my employee. He is living in my home. He is my scientist." That should do. Although dad still looks weary, he sits back down on his seat. Father sits down as well, with White Hat next to him and a hit on the head. I chuckle at the sight. Walking back to Dr. Flug, I ask him when dinner was going to be ready. "Oh, right! D-dinner will be ready in ten minutes or so. I-I'll go check if the table is set." Dr. Flug leaves the room and heads for the dining room instead. Everyone was quiet, too quiet. I sat down in my own chair as we waited for Flug to come back. "Hmm, while we're waiting. Black Hat! Isn't there something you were going to tell everyone? You told me about it just a few minutes ago." Damnit GreyHat! I look at him with a scowl. That bastard is going to die! "No I don't believe so, GreyHat. I mean, we may have talked about something but it's not that important to father and dad." GreyHat smirked, seeing that he was bothering me. I was lucky enough to have Dr. Flug come back in time before I ripped him to shreds. "The-the table is set, sir. We can talk in there while we wait for the food." I agree with him. I tell everyone to follow me to the dining room.

When we got inside, everyone already had a little name card for their seats. I sit at the end of the table, like always, while Dr. Flug sits to the left of me. GreyHat and White Hat sit together next to Dr. Flug. Dad and father sit to my right, father sitting across from Dr. Flug. I take my seat first then everyone else follows behind. I look at Flug and see he was sweating a little. Odd, it's actually pretty cold in here. I didn't get to ask him why he was sweating because father began talking. "So, Black. How ya doin' with all da nut jobs in 'ere? Ah' mean, I saw a wacko girl pass through da halls hoppin' like a lizard." He must of saw Dementia running by. I'm guessing she's trying to catch a rat or something if she's in the halls. "Oh, just ignore the dimwit you saw. Her name is Dementia, but don't let her talk to you. She can find out anything about you." He raises an eyebrow in interest.
Dad looked at Dr. Flug and saw how much he was sweating. "Oh, dearie? What's the matter? You seem nervous." He flinched at the nickname "dearie" and looks at my dad. "It's n-nothing! I just can't wait for dinner! Hehe..." I see now. Dr. Flug must think he needs to eat with us. "Dr. Flug, you don't have to eat with us if you don't want to. I'm not forcing you to do-" "no no no no! I-It's fine! I'll eat here with you. I want to! Really." I looked at him weary of his decision. Father asks why I was letting him eat somewhere else. "Dr. Flug wears a bag for a reason and that is to hide his face. He doesn't want to uncover it while we are eating." Dad and father nod there heads. I look at GreyHat and White Hat, noticing they haven't said a word since we entered the dining room. "What's wrong brothers? Cat got your tongue?" GreyHat shakes his head no, that smirk still on his face. White Hat says that he is only hungry and can't wait to eat. As if on que, the bear comes in with plates full of spaghetti balancing on his head, arms, and shoulders. Dr. Flug gets up to help 505 with the plates and takes some off the bears head and shoulders. "Everyone this is 505, a failed experiment from years ago." I told my family. They all say hello and take their plates. 505 leaves the room and back to the kitchen. We all begin to eat, Dr. Flug slowly eating as to not get any red sauce on his bag. He gives up and stands, taking his plate in his hands and leaves for the kitchen. Dad stops him. "Dearie, it's alright. Why don't you just take off your bag and stay with us? We won't judge." "I'm eating in the kitchen, I'll be back when I'm done." He enters the kitchen without another word. Dad pouts and continues to eat his food. Father pats him on the back to "comfort" him.

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