what do i do?

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Dr. Flug's POV.

Dementia talked to me this morning and apologized for trying to pull off my bag. I accepted her apology but also asked her a question. "How come you and 505 are back so early from that errand Black Hat gave you guys?" She shrugs her shoulders and starts asking me questions. "What are you doing? Why aren't you making machines? You're acting weird, why is that? What were you and Black Hat doing last night...? Were you on a date? Do you like him? Did something happen? Are you tw-" "Shut up, Damnit! You are so annoying!" Now that I meant to say. "Can't you go bug Black Hat or something! I'm kinda busy right now!" She looked at me hurt. "I already saw Black Hat, but I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bug like that.  Did something happen? When I mentioned last night you twitched, like something bothered you." I stopped. "Get out, it's none of your business. Now get out." I can't talk to her, I can't talk to anyone about it. She can't know what's wrong... "But I want to help you." "NO YOU DON'T! I CREATED YOU INSIDE AND OUT! YOU WILL DO AS I SAY AND LEAVE! do you understand?" She shakes her head frighteningly side to side, no is all she said. "Grrrh, Dem, I will ____ing reopen your guts and rearrange them so that you can't speak, now get out before I call Black Hat." She stomps one foot on the ground and stays put. "Fine, be that way..." I press the intercom to Black Hat's office, switching to a different tone of voice, and say, "s-sir, Dementia is starting to look ill, I might h-have to experiment on her to figure out what's wrong." I say it in a very shy and petite voice. "Thats fine, I'll come down to-" he doesn't finish his sentence, instead it's quiet. "S-SIR? Are you there?" No response. Only a second later did Black Hat come in panting in the elevator. "Sir!? What happened!?" He still doesn't respond, he taps his throat multiple times. "What's wrong blackie?" "Grrh, Dementia I told you to leave!" Black Hat runs to a white board and wrote down a few things.

"I can't speak I need assistance!"

I knew the perfect thing that could help, it never fit on 505 but I'm sure it'll fit Black Hat. "Oh, sir I have a voice transfer that you can use." I go over to a cabinet and pull out the collar. "Here sir, put this on. It should let you say what ever you like." He was hesitant, does he not like it? He writes on the board again. "I'm not wearing that. I'm not dog. Or a pet." Seriously? I looked at him closer and noticed his face getting darker. Redder maybe? I can't tell. "Sir if you want to speak then you need to put this on." He rolled his eyes and reluctantly put on the collar. "I feel stupid." Well at least I know it works. "Don't worry sir it'll be fine, once your real voice comes back you can take it off." He sighed and began to speak. "Fine, now you said that Dementia was ill right? Where is she?" I looked to the googily girl in fury. "Right there." I spit out the words like poison. "What's the matter with yo-" "NOTHING, GET OVER IT! I'M FINE!" I didn't mean to yell, but I meant what I said. Black Hat looks at me curiously. "Obviously you're not Dr. Are you sure you're fine?" "YES!" He moves back a little bit, as if I were about to fall to pieces. He doesn't press me any further. "Aaah, fine. But if there's anything you need to talk about come get me. Dementia, obviously you're not sick, so get out." Dementia stayed quiet the whole time not making a sound. "Ok~" she leaves through the elevator, not closing the door behind her. -_-, really? I go back to work on the antidote, 99. 5 % done. I just need to add the blood and, oh my holy Satan! I finished the antidote! "S-SIR! I finished the antidote! Iys finally done! W-Would you like to see if it works?" He nods his head impatiently and takes the vial. He sips the liquid and gives it back. "Well? Did it work?" I asked impatiently. "I believe so take off the collar so I can try and speak." I get the remote for the collar and press a button that should unlock it but instead I pressed the shock button. "_-____! I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to-" I was interrupted by the sound of Black Hat, moaning? "Mmmmaah!" My eyes widened, ____ ____ ____! Gaah, what did I do? I pressed the right button this time and the collar fell off Black Hat's neck. I wasn't sure what to do, should I ignore what I just heard? Should I run? "Dr. Flug, you will never speak of this again, will I need to repeat myself?" I made a small 'no' come out of my mouth. He confiscated the collar and the remote to it. "The antidote works that's for damming sure. I'll be in my office, don't bother me for the rest of the day." He walks out the lab and to the elevator. He was gone.

I just heard my boss moan. Oh god... I take the antidote and sip it just like Black Hat. I could feel myself getting less paranoid in my thoughts and decide to get to work. I don't what happened but I am definitely sure that I don't want to know. I head to my work bench and start to remove different items that came from the antidote. It's strange though, it felt so easy to make the liquid, a bit too easy. It's like I wasn't trying at all... Strange, very strange.

A few days had passed and everything was back to normal. Dementia doing what ever she wants, 505 not breaking anything but fixing everything. Black Hat of course doing paperwork for different costumers but sometimes he would come back to the lab and start asking me questions again. I wouldn't answer them of course. Then finally, I am working on a new product for the incorporation. "Aroo?" 505 came in asking me something. "Wha-what is it buddy?" He points down the hall towards the entrance of the house. "Is someone at the door?" He nods his head and starts to drag me to the entrance door. "Uh, hey 505? What are you doing?!" He keeps dragging me until we get to the door. 505 nudges me to open the door. I do as he wishes and open the door. To my surprise there was a man at the door, much much taller than me. "What d-do you want?" "Is my brother home? He called me a few days ago to come see him. I brought his younger brother as well." I got a closer look at the man and noticed he looked somewhat similar to Black Hat, only grey. There was another one of the brothers that looks exactly like Black Hat, only white. "HELLO! I'm White Hat! This is my older brother GreyHat! Black Hat is also my older brother too, but he's younger than GreyHat." GreyHat's voice was very monotoned but White Hat's voice was very hard to distinguish, it could be very high pitched then in an instant, it's as low as Black Hat. "U-um, I didn't know my boss had brothers... I-I'll go get him, please wait out here." I close the door gently and run to Black Hat's office. Knocking on the door, I see that 505 had followed behind me. I didn't mind but I was confused. "What is it?!" Black Hat yelled through the door. "Uh, sir? There are two peo- uh, I mean others at the door that claim to be your siblings. Should I let th-" I was interrupted by Black Hat swinging the door and speeding his way towards the entrance. I followed quickly as possible behind Black Hat. 505 left after getting scared by Black Hat opening the door so fast. My boss opens the door to GreyHat and says, "ah! Brother GreyHat I've been waiting to see for quite some time now. Please follow me to my office. I called you for- THE HECK IS HE DOING HERE!?" Black Hat yelled at GreyHat asking why White Hat was here. "He listened to your voicemail and asked to come with me. I didn't see a problem with it so I allowed it." Black Hat growled. He whispered something to GreyHat that was inaudible to me. "Oh my, yes don't worry I'll have him stay in the living room. White Hat, stay in the living room alright, you can hug Black Hat later before we leave." White Hat whimpers in Black Hat's hand while being pushed away from him. "Ok, as long as I get a hug." White Hat steps away from his brothers and stands next to me. I felt super uncomfortable around him for some reason. I know who White Hat is, he's one the top ranking hero's in the area. But when he stands next to me, it's like a completely different Aura. I step away myself from him. I could already tell,

This is going to be an odd day.

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