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Black Hat's POV.

7 days ago an incident occurred, Dr. Flug and I were affected by a chemical he had been messing with. In different ways we were affected by it, I mistakenly spilled some of it on my hand and neck. Dr. Flug turned it in to gas and inhaled it, and so far he's been working on an antidote for it. Nothing has changed. The only thing that has changed is my curiosity for the doctor. He does the strangest things, for example I caught him torturing an immortal man in a secret room. I also have Dr. Flug on a schedule, everyday he would wake up at 8 am, get breakfast first before anything. Then does what ever a human needs to stay clean. After that he goes to do his job. At 12 pm he will leave the lab and get lunch. After he eats, he goes back to whatever he was doing. Finally at the end of the day, around 7:30 pm he will eat dinner and go to bed at 9 pm. If he is late there are consequences.

Besides the fact I gave Dr. Flug a schedule, I wanted to ask him so many questions on the things he does. It bothers me a lot. This morning I tried to figure out a way of getting Dr. Flug to talk, he won't answer any of my questions, he only ignores me and stays focused on the antidote. I have heard of humans going on an outing where they get to know each other, but I can't remember what it's ca- A DATE! That's what it's called, it's a date. Although that refers to a romantic type of deal, maybe Dr. Flug will know what I mean if I ask him to go with me to "a five star restaurant". I think that could work... Yes that will do fine, we will go to the restaurant and I can ask my questions. Perfect~.

I leave my room to get to the lab quickly, I take the elevator since it drops you off straight into the lab. Wait, I don't have a reason for Dr. Flug to go with me on the "date". The elevator doors open at the bottom floor where the lab is and just my luck Dr. Flug was walking right passed it, too. "Uh, sir? What a-are you doing down here? Dinner isn't f-for another hour." I was slightly panicked at the fact I didn't have a plan. "I just came down here to ask you something. It is not that important so you can finish what you are doing and then I will ask." "Oh, well I'm actually almost finished with some work it can wait though. Also I know something is wrong. You're not combining words like you usually do. Sorry! I didn't mean to say that!" ____. I forgot Dr. Flug could tell when I'm nervous. My voice is normal, I could sound like I was on top of the world and still be a little nervous. I try to play it cool and lie. "I do not know what you are talking about. I am perfectly fine and nothing is wrong." Goddamnit. "Sir, it's okay if something is wrong. You can tell me..." He trails off a little and never returns to speak. "Guh, fine. I wanted to ask you to go somewhere with me. It's what you most humans call a "date". But if-" "PFFFT, HAHAHAHA HEHEHAHA HAHAHAHA! OH HOLY SATAN, GAH I CAN'T BREATH!" I'm confused, why is he laughing so hard? He noticed my perplexed look and his face goes to shocked in a matter of .3216905 seconds. "W-Wait, y-you're serious!? Why me, of all the people you know why me?! Why now?! Why ever!?" Why is he so shocked? "You're an interesting man, I thought you would have been thrilled to go with me on an outing. I am the great and lovable Black Hat. To most people at least." He looks to be on the verge of tears... My body's reaction to that wasn't what I had in mind. It moves itself toward Dr. Flug and wraps it's arms around him. "Uuh, just so you know this is my body's doing, not mine." Dr. Flug chuckled and hugs back. Oh no, not this feeling again. I felt like I was about to cry as well. He was hugging back, he didn't do that the first time a week ago. Why is he doing it now? It didn't matter though. Dr. Flug let go and so did my- so did I. It slightly hurt but I indulged the pain and let it go. "Just to let you know. The date is not for any romantic reason. I just wish to know more about you." Dang it, I did it again. Dr. Flug nods his in agreement. "Yessir. May I ask where we're going?" "We're going to "a five star restaurant". Don't be fooled by the name, its similar to Freddy Faz Bear's pizzaria. Only for older people." He gets a little excited when I mention the restaurant name. "I've always wanted to go there. I've heard that some kids got murdered by one of the animatronics!" See, this is one of the reasons why I want to ask him my questions, he does the most peculiar things for a human. "Wonderful! We'll be leaving in a half hour. You don't need to change all that much, just clean yourself up, take off the lab coat and comb your hair." He actually seems excited about this. He starts cleaning up his science lab and leaves as soon as he was done. I was going to wait by the door for him but my body decided to go for a wardrobe change.

I'm inside my closet as my body chooses what to wear. I honestly didn't care for what I wore unless I was in some important business meeting with a client. When my body finished dressing up I look at myself in the mirror and see a completely different me. I was wearing a Fedora instead of my top hat, I was no longer wearing my trench coat or my regular silver vest. My black tie was gone, there was a black and white checker print clip on bow tie in it's place. My red shirt had it's sleeves rolled up to my elbows and the collar was slightly undone, plus I was wearing black suspenders. I do look quite nice, if I were 18 again. I tried to fix what I was wearing but my body rushed out of my room and down the stairs to the waiting room, where the entrance door is.

Two and a half Minutes later, Dr. Flug came down stairs ready to go as well. He was wearing his regular crashing plane t-shirt and jeans with red Converses. But his hair was combed to his right side and he was wearing a small bowtie as well. His smile reminds of a boy heading to the carnival, he looked adorable...

Wait, what...?

A/n: if the words are underlined when Dr. Flug is speaking, that means it was forced and wasn't meant to be said by him. Just to let you know.

Wish it could be... (paperhat)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang