And Scene

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Jessie's POV

The next morning, Timmy makes me clean our loft until it is spotless. I take clothing off the floors and beds and couch, empty beer/water bottles from the counter, and paper towels everywhere.

We're men, even if Timmy's gay.

You may ask, "Why are you becoming clean-freaks?" Katharine Jacobs, the Broadway girl that Timmy is straight for, is coming to our apartment to hear more of the show.

Eh, I mean... It can't hurt, right? If she hears it and likes it, she'll tell this Hunter Brooks person, who apparently is a big Broadway director.

It leaves me to my previous question: Why the hell would THEY want to help US?

There's a knock at the door, and a slide on a plaid shirt over my black undershirt before opening the door to reveal Katharine. "Hi." I say, feeling myself smile. Well that's odd.

"Hello." she returns the smile and hands me a bowl filled with something I can't name. "It's Cookie-Dough dip. I made it for you guys. It makes everything taste a hundred times better." she jumps a little. I take it in my hands and set it on the counter.

"Please, come on in."

She does so.

"Timmy went out to buy soda I think... He should be back soon." I explain. She nods.

"You guys have a pretty nice place."

"Yeah, in a pretty crappy neighborhood." I remark. She laughs slightly.

"So you write the songs. That's pretty impressive."

"I mean--yeah, sure. Thanks." I smile as best I can, and invite her to sit down. I sit next to her cautiously, but stand right up when Timmy walks in.

"Hey, Jess-- hi Katharine!"

"Hi, Timmy." she smiles with true happiness.

"I'm sorry I'm late. Some douchebag at the supermarket got the last Fanta. So I got Dr. Pepper instead." Tim said, almost disappointedly.

"Lesson #1," I turn to Kat, "never mess with Tim's Fanta."

"Got it," she smiled, "thanks."

I nod, and sit at our grunge looking piano. I place my hands on the keys, and begin to play our Entr'acte, and right into our first song. Everything goes extremely smoothly, and we make it until the end.

"Wow, guys. That was... Beautiful."

"Thanks!" Timmy says. I nod.

"But..." uh oh. "You need a song that explains your theme. Believe me, it's there. You just need a song to really make it obvious."

"Are you kidding me?!" I scream.

Standing Room OnlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora