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Katharine's POV

"Wow, that was beautiful." I say quietly to Timmy, hoping that the 'piano man' doesn't hear.

"Thanks... Jess writes the lyrics and score. I write the book." Timmy murmurs, slightly embarrassed. I grab a silver Sharpie from my bag and sign:

To Timmy:

With love, xox

K. Jacobs

Timmy practically jumps up and down as I do this, and we take a quick picture. Jessie--I think-- walks out of the back with a towel. He looks me up and down. "So, hot stuff, are you gonna order anything?"

Well, that's an immediate turn-off.

"Um, Jessie, this is Katharine Jacobs. She was in Cry Baby on Broadway. The one who was nominated for the Tony." Timmy explains. "She's really sweet."

"Yeah, that's great. So you aren't ordering?" Jessie says, obviously wanting to get out of the bar.

"Jessie-- can I... Talk to you? Alone..?"

Timmy whispers. The other man nods and they both excuse themselves. After a minute of meaningless whispering, they turn to me.

"Well?" Jessie says, scratching the slight scruff growing on his jaw line.

"Your music is incredible. I'd love to hear more of it one day... How far along are you in the creative process?"

I ask confidently.

Just as Jessie was about to say something rude or disgusting, Timmy chimed in.

"We have half of the first act in the script. And the whole score and lyrics..." his eyes widen, "why?"

"Maybe you guys could play more for me. I'd love to help you guys reach your Broadway goals. It definitely has promise." I smile.

"Right. Thanks. Okay. Bye." Jessie says, taking off his apron and walking out.

"Y-you'll have to excuse him. He doesn't have manners." Timmy says, stifling laughter.

"I can see that. Thank you for being so excited to meet me. That doesn't happen very often anymore." I smile, patting his arm. "Actually, take my number-- just in case Mr. Grumpy really wants to take this to the next level."

We swap numbers and separate on our merry way.

Jessie's POV

Like Big Broadway Tony-Nominated Women have time for a (not even) work-shop musical?! What a load of crap. I don't need to get my hopes up just to be let down by a star getting ANOTHER big break on Broadway.

I realize, of course, it's no crime to struggle. It's no great honor either.

What can I say? I mean, I want what I want but I get trash in return. Timmy always says that 'what goes around comes around', but that's crap, right?

Yet, she was exactly her. Katharine Jacobs was my Katharine. Exactly who I saw as the angel in our musical. I mean-- could this Jacobs girl really help us reach our dream? I know that Timmy's wanted this since he could breathe, but is it worth trusting someone who will probably get a life changing opportunity in the next 24 hours...? I think not. But good choices have never been my forte.

Ha! Music jokes.

"Why do you have to be so rude to someone who could help us?!" Timmy says as we walk back to Brooklyn, the home of all rats.

"Do you really think she'll help? I mean-- yeah, she's got friends, but she'll forget about us in seconds. No doubt."

Just then, his phone began to ring. The name KATHARINE flashed on the screen. "See? She remembers." he squealed. "Hello? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah. Sure. Sounds great. Kay, thanks. Bye."

"Well?" I ask, almost excited to know.

"Nothing, nothing. No big deal." he says. I think he's lying, but he barely ever does that. "She's just got Hunter Brooks's number, and he's looking for a new project!" he shouts.

Who the hell is Hunter Brooks?

Standing Room OnlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora