Chapter Three

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Persia's POV

     I sat on the edge of the dock, my feet dipping into the water as I rested my chin on the palm of my hand glumly. It's been almost a week of being a girl now, and no sign of when it was going to be over. I sighed and looked up to the sky, almost pleadingly. "Lady Aphrodite, if you can hear me, please... Please change me back." I begged in a whisper. "I'll do anything I can. Just... Please."

       My begging was cut short when I heard footsteps behind me, the old wooden dock creaking beneath their feet. I turned around and saw Jason, Leo and Nico. "Hey." I greeted glumly, returning to stare out at the horizon.

       "Why so down?" Leo asked. I shrugged as a response, not wanting to really talk anymore. Just the thought of being a girl forever made me feel sick.

       I felt Leo and Jason sit next to me on either side of me, Nico sitting next to Jason. "So... Why are you out here, all alone, on the edge of the dock in the middle of dinner?" Jason asked, looking over at me. Continuing to stare at the horizon I shrugged. "Dang it!" He suddenly yelled, making me jump slightly. "Why are you so secretive!?"

       "I... I don't know. I just like to keep my life to myself, I guess." I responded with a small shrug.

       "But we've opened up to you! You know all of our life stories, but you haven't said a single thing about yourself!" Jason exclaimed. Nico gave me a slightly frightened, slightly apologetic glance.

       "I don't like to talk about my past." I told him, frantically trying to think of a backup story that would make him feel bad for asking. I know it was cruel, but I knew they couldn't find out who I really was.

       "Neither do we, but we told you anyway." Leo piped in. Great.

       "I said, I don't like to talk about it." I grumbled.

       "It's not like we're going to judge you!" Jason pressed. The stress of this made me want to- That's it! I've just got to break down and they'll leave me alone!

       I simply shook my head, trying to get them to press me on. I know it was dumb, trying to break down, but it was my only hope at the moment, due to my lack of creativity. "C'mon Persia! You trust us, don't you?" Leo asked. I gritted my teeth and inwardly congradualted myself for being close to forced tears.

       Nico apparently saw my plan judging by the look in his eyes. "C'mon Persia! Tell us!" Jason demanded. I chose that time to snap.

     "Leave me alone!" I screamed before bursting into fake tears, getting up and running towards my cabin. Luckily no one saw me, so I just slammed the door add hard as I could. I felt Terrible, but I did what had to be done.

     Aphrodite, if you aren't happy with that, you can rot in Tartarus for all I care.

Authors note
Sorry for the short chapter! I had to type it on my phone, so bear with any mistakes! Also! If you play minecraft, I'd be happy to play with you guys! Just send a friend request to AirGosling53777, I'll accept and play with you! Warning, I'm not very good! Anyway, sorry again for the short chapter!


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