Chapter Two

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     Pesia's POV (Hehe, I love it!)

     I woke up in the Poseidon cabin still fuming. That guy... Arg! I can't wait for him to find out it was me! I grumbled and got out of bed, finding myself in a white tanktop and sweatpants. Aphrodite must have changed all my clothes to look more... Feminine. Great. I somehow knew how to put my hair in a messy bun so I did that and threw on a baggy sweatshirt over it. I yawned and walked out of my cabin, ignoring all the stares I ws already getting as I headed for breakfast. I heard a small giggle and turned around to see Piper, grinning slyly. "Down dressing won't help you, you're one of those girls who look hot both ways." I groaned and she laughed, speeding up so that she was next to me.

    "So." She said, slinging an arm around me. "How long you gonna be like this?"

     "I have absolutely NO idea whatsoever." I grumbled, rubbing my eyes.

     "Well, I have to admit, you look hot no matter what you do, and you're still getting attention." She told me. I looked up and sure enough, girls were staring at me in envy and guys were staring at me with either lust or admiration.

     Out of the corner of my eye I saw two people not looking at me, Will with his arm draped around Nico. I smiled and forced my eyes away. "Even if I am stuck as a girl, I'm glad I didn't break them up." I muttered.

     "You're a good friend Persia." Piper told me, patting me on the back. I rolled my eyes but was internally thankful. I had my doubts about that sometimes. What if Will broke Nico's heart, and that's why Aphrodite wanted me to break them up? I was shaken from my thoughts from a voice.

     "Hey! Persia! Piper!" I heard someone call. I looked back and saw Annabeth and Hazel trotting to catch up to us.

     "Hey." I greeted glumly.

     "Hey, don't be so glum! Lookin good this morning, by the way." Annabeth said, then looked me up and down while I shook my head and groaned.

      "Hey, Ares guys up ahead." Hazel muttered. I looked up and sure enough Ares kids were staring at me with sly smirks.

      I ignored them as I tried to walk by, but one of them grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him, holding me around the waiste. I growled at him, kicking him in the crotch. I flipped him off as he groaned, doubling over. Another guy tried to grab me but I kicked him in the gut. The third and final guy lunged for me but I ducked under him, sending him tumbling into the dirt. I crossed my arms at the three groaned figures in front of me. "Humph." I said before walking off. Now everyone was staring at me with wide eyes.

       "Hey. Just an every day demigod. No need to stare." I muttered. Some adverted there gaze. I saw Will and Nico run over.

       "Dude! That was awesome!" Will exclaimed. We high fived and I gave the three girls a pleading look.

       "I don't think she said not to tell them in particular, plus I don't think it counts because, they're, you know." Annabet said.

       "Yes!" I fist pumpd. "I love you! Nico, Will, follow me!" I shouted, grabbing each of their hands and skipping away, dragging them behind me.

        Nico cursed the entire way as I dragged them to the empty beach. "What the hell was so important you have to dislocate me arm?" Nico grunted, rotating his arm.

       "You guys promise not to tell anyone?" I asked, looking around to make sure the beach was empty.

       "Swear on the River of Styx." They replied in synch.

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